Air pollution levels in Taiwan - grim reading

No riot, must save face.

This data is about 10 years old, but it lists a 24 percent chance of getting cancer in Taiwan before the age of 75.

So judge for yourself if that is an early death sentence.

You want a riot? You couldn’t handle a riot…

“Taiwan fails to meet even lax air pollution standards: Legislature”

Air Quality Index (AQI) hit the maximum level of 10 in the 10-tier indicator as of 10am. That means that air’s impact on health impact had reached “emergency” conditions, the EPA said according to the news agency.

My God is this man not making any sense whatsoever.

What an awful article. It’s difficult to discern if it is the journalist or the EPA minister (or possibly both) that has no grasp of basic logic.

And if the basic purpose of burning coal is to get Taiwan through the transition period from now to 2025, why on earth are they proposing to open a new coal burning plant that is not scheduled to be in operation until 2025?

DPP, please do a better job than this!


That guy is, and always has been, an idiot. I remember when he was running for Taipei mayor, one of his campaign promises was looser enforcement of traffic laws.

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I can see why he was then selected to head the EPA. So much for environmental “protection.” What an utterly toothless and worthless agency.



What integrity!

What a complete turd!
He’s obviously going to resign sometime soon and wants to go out in a blaze of glory…

The only caveat, which doesn’t excuse the EPA heads idiotic thought patterns, is that the general population is also completely muddle headed.

They want economic growth from more electronics factories , some of which require an entire new power station to be built to power them.

They want less air pollution but to shut down the nuclear power stations now.

They want a stable supply of electricity

You can’t have all of these things at the same time.

I’ve seen all the above points debated to different degrees but not the industrial energy demand problem.


Yes, a very good point. All of this is tied up with industrial policy.

Another point that occurred to me is the general reluctance here to invest in, say, decent windows to insulate buildings, or devices that use electricity more efficiently. If they are serious about the “stable supply” part they should also be looking at ways to reduce usage. Maybe this is happening but certainly not around me or in my organization!


And the population mostly disregards solar power. When I look out of the window there are thousands of rooftops without a single solar panel. Only those silver water tanks and countless air conditioners on the side of the buildings.

Solar is not the solution for everything but helps mitigate power peaks during hot days.


Putting insulation and double-glazed windows in buildings would be a great start, but the construction mafia would never do something that would cut into their profits…unless consumers began demanding it.

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Or: unless there were tax or other incentives to do it.


I see something a bit different out my window


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Nice. And it keeps the sun off that tin roof, too. It’s my understanding this is a widespread setup, but I can’t remember where or when I read that.

Those are solar water heaters. Better than gas or electricity powered water heaters many have in Taiwan.

But I meant solar panels powering homes/businesses.

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I know what those are. My point there’s more than one way to utilize the sun and some (plenty?) of locals are already doing so.

But not enough. There are massive untapped opportunities here, waiting to be unlocked.


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New expensive air-cleaners from Dyson :moneybag: