✈ Airlines - EVA Air | Website does not accept longer names

a few weeks ago, I bought a ticket on the EVA Air website like I usually do. My name is autofilled due to the frequent flyer account. everything was fine.

Yesterday, I tried buying another ticket and now it tells me the name is too long and doesn’t allow me to continue.

I contacted EVA via phone, and they can only offer me a different rate via the phone (more expensive than the website), same happened at the airport when I took yesterday’s flight. Staff at the airport say they can only offer whatever the phone customer service can offer and that they don’t know why it won’t accept my name even thought I already bought tickets without any issues before. They basically gave me the good old “bu hao yi si, wo men bei you banfa”.

Has anyone experience any issues buying EVA tickets recently?


I just exclude the middle name and truncate the first name if needed.

You just join in the malicious compliance and become a huge headache until they fix it.


Both Last name and First name fields appear to have the name is too long issue. I got away with cutting the name before when using my original passport but now that I am using the Taiwan passport, I’m afraid TW airlines will get very picky about the name being exactly the same as on the passport.

domestic flights in the US I always just use First and Last Name (no middle and no secondary last name).

Let them get picky. This is where you prepare yourself to be the biggest karen you can muster.

Signed, @marco and his 40ish character long name.

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Well, I have a friend who got charged $100 for missing a character and they told him it fit in the field when he said his name was too long.

Yep. That’s why I lose my mind on people. I don’t like doing it but I have to sometimes.

Be unbearable to deal with.


Looks like I might have no choice, but it’s so weird that it worked fine 2 weeks ago and now it doesn’t.

The employees don’t care enough to go and press the boss for you or try to do whatever it takes to make it right. They’d rather charge you $100 for their fuckup.

And nobody can admit fault for their mistakes.

Just be firm and reasonable. Don’t lose you mind. Keep cool and be reasonable.

Ask to speak with someone who can resolve the issue and be firm. Your position should not move the problem is with them. If you have to show them the issue on your laptop of phone. Explain the problem and show examples.

This is Taiwan. They will stonewall you until you give up. They only ever change when you become a massive pain in the ass to the point they will do anything to make it stop.


The lady on the phone even suggested I buy from a travel agency instead; they just didn’t want to deal with it themselves.

I said: but I want to use my miles.
She said: save those miles for your next trip.

I just hung up.

Exactly. They don’t give two flying shits about you.

Hmm. It’s not my experience. If you are reasonable and firm people will bend to your will. If you go off at them they will block you. You need to let them know the problem is not with them and you only want a reasonable response.

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Yeah, when you’re a niche case, it’s a whole different ball game.

They fully expect that they can say Meibanfa, baoqian, buhaoyisi and you’ll accept it and go.

If it involves changing the policy, they won’t go and press policymakers/bosses to fix the rules.

If it’s not within their immediate power or not in the playbook they will just refuse because refusing a customer is safer than dealing with the almighty boss that will freak out.

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How long is your name? Just for reference.

29 Characters:
First Middle Last and secondary last Name.


That’s a lot. What’s the limit, I wonder.

While airlines need to accommodate the needs of their customers, there’s always limitations, like technical stuff. If it’s technical, then it really is mei banfa, until the technical issue is solved, l guess. I might also be a time issue. If it takes a lot of time to figure out a rarely occurring problem, the time cannot be spend on helping other customers with their issues. Not trying to make excuses for the airline, just thinking about their possible thought process.

I just boarded an EVA air flight with my full name, I bought the ticket off their website around 2 weeks ago and no problem. How come I wanna do it again and I can’t? There was no such limitation 2 weeks ago and I am using a Taiwanese passport, if BOCA allows for such long names, so should the Taiwanese airlines.

Weird, I was able to get through with 50 characters (but not more) by trying First+Middle: Tester Alongername Last: Makesurename-Isenteredexactlyasi

Pretty silly for them to have a requirement for you to put your name exactly as on your ID but also give a limit of any length.

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Maybe it’s a glitch somewhere? Wouldn’t make sense to limit the allowed length for names out of the blue.