Alabama born ISIS bride wants to return to US

Her legal representation is the Constitutional Law Center for Muslims in America, so they clearly feel that she is suffering a legal injustice because she is Muslim.

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I assume you’re against this because one never wants to advocate against one’s own self-interests. :drum:

Mohammad would have been closer to ISIS than a moderate Muslim.

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Yes. Islam by its true nature is inherently intolerant and violent.

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I think it can be easily argued moderate Muslims would have suffered during Mohammad’s time. Probably slaughtered.

We then could certainly just as easily say the same about Judaism. Then there’s this

Probably more corral them and feed them slop.

Or that that is their best foot forward.

Forgive me my ignorance, but how had she remained in the US for so long again? Green Card? Overstay? Family couldn’t go back to wherever?

She had a US passport. Looks to me like her diplomat parent either wasn’t an issue or there was an oversight.

I can’t read the full article. But yes, Christianity throughout history has its fair share of violence. But at the foundation, Christians are called to be Christ like, and often met with failure. That is more of issue with human nature. Jesus in the Bible was not a violent person.

Mohammad to Muslims is the perfect Muslim. He was very violent and a war lord. There lies the problem with violence in Islam imo. I don’t know how Muslims can separate this.

Yet they do all the time, in plainly obvious fact. Jesus also said every stroke of the law is valid, and there’s plenty of horribly violent stuff in there. Christians have justified violence through the Old Testament texts as well, and have been very violent at various times in history, surely convinced of their own righteousness. People are violent sometimes, some more or less than others in different places at different times

Jesus didn’t even personally use a machete and never advocated violence. He even suggested not to harm in self defense. Not similar at all.

The actions of the Church do not reflect the intentions of the religion, but in Islam the intolerant and violent intentions are clearly stated in both the Koran and in the Sunnah.

Sure, it’s absolutely true. I’m not denying it.


My disagreement isn’t with are Christians more or less violent than Muslims. You can probably make convincing arguments for both. I’m just pointing out when you believe Gods final prophet who is the perfect Muslim is Mohammad , it becomes problematic to separate the violence aspects of his story.

And you can go on about history in the past, many times Christians were just as violent if not more. No denying it. But we should focus on modern day. No other religions are chasing major issues globally the way Islam has.

That isn’t Islam then. They just can’t admit it isn’t because they might be killed to suggest otherwise.

I guess in this case most Christians would not actually be Christians because they are far from christ like. This isn’t the main issue with Islam. It’s that Islam at its very foundation has violence in it. If your religious founder is violent, it’s highly probable their followers also believe in violence. Mohammad absolutely believed in violence as a means his his teaching and his actions.

Yet by far most Muslims are not performing the kind of horribly violent acts you and Andrew suggest they should be. And Christians have used the doctrines of their religion to justify slavery, genocide and other evils in the past and for all I know may start doing so again at any time. :man_shrugging:

Did Jesus own slaves? Mohammad did. Did Jesus try to commit genocide? Mohammad did kill a lot of infidels. I think there is a clear distinction here.

The issue isn’t if Christians or Muslim violent imo. No one would argue Christians were not violent like everyone else. Atheists are pretty violent, even today in China against other religions. But I wouldn’t chalk that up to atheism being violent.

“Wow, so many notifications on that Isis bride thread, maybe there are some news regarding the judge ruling”

“Yeah but what about Christianity?”


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And it will continue to happen ever single time for as long as people make that flawed argument.

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Religion is just the easiest way to justify our violent human nature and mistrust of those different. If there were no religion, we’d just find another way to justify it. That’s why it will always find its way into anything remotely related.

That said, when a significant percentage of a religion has a stated goal to eliminate infidels and destroy Western democracies, I don’t think anyone can argue that using that religious adherence against readmitting an ISIS bride is unjustifiable.