Alabama born ISIS bride wants to return to US

I clearly said it’s best not to kill the kids, and I don’t appreciate the complete, and seemingly insincere, misrepresentation of my statement. However, none of them should ever set foot on US soil again, and it wouldn’t be a loss if the the ISIS wives were taken out by smart munitions. I merely stated that collateral damage is inevitable in war.

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So…the kids.

Suggesting they target the kids and saying the kids may be inadvertently injured or killed when the adult is targeted are two completely different things. Stop putting words in my mouth.

I’m drawing a reasonable conclusion to your misguided Obama-type foreign policy “drone them all and let gawd sort them out” hyperbole.

Drone the mom, the kid will die. I doubt there’s a day care facility in the ISIS Bride camp. The kid will be close by.

the US has in fact repatriated many other US ISIS citizens and subsequently put them on trial. if she is indeed a US citizen, then she has a 100% right to come back to the US where she will stand trial, be convicted, and spend a long time in jail. her kid at least will be able to have a life for himself with his grandparents. if she is not a US citizen (because her dad was indeed still a diplomat at the time) then she has no right and neither does her kid.

whether or not she is a danger to the US or whether or not you or i think she should not come back is 100% irrelevant. her dad is (still) pushing through a lawsuit to get a determination that he was not a diplomat when she was born. i personally think it’s worthy of a trial and no one should be comfortable if a government can just go ‘eh you’re no longer a citizen, don’t come back’ without due process.

Didn’t she marry three jihadist fighters one after the other after one was killed?

She is hard core jihadist

And will continue to be a danger to the public when back in the US

The kid has a chance to be normal if adopted early before she poisoned his thinking

She’s the type who may one day show up at the day care or school
Or place she works and slaughter everyone in the name of Allah

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I can interpret that another way, but it would be sexist.

I read recently that how we treat animals now is how we might treat dumb people in 50 years.

Just putting that out there.

Enslave and eat them?


" A federal judge ruled Thursday that an American-born woman who traveled to Syria to join the Islamic State group and now wants to return to her family in Alabama is not a U.S. citizen.

U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton dismissed a lawsuit brought by the family of Hoda Muthana to force the federal government to let her in the country."

I’m glad it was good old Reggie, so in the coming days we aren’t likely to get a litany of “RACIST RACIST RACIST RACIST” on all mainstream media.

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Didn’t you get the memo? Black and brown folks can be white supremacists these days too. It’s a very diverse and inclusive group. :sunglasses:

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True, but currently on CNN’s frontpage there’s no mention of this story at all. If the judge was a white republican man, the headline would be something along the lines of:


Yes, folks, you read that right. This is what it means to live under Trump’s regime. Today’s ruling is just another blatant example of the racism that permeates the racist administration of Trump, who has a long history of racist allegations regarding racist events".

Thanks to Reggie, they need to tone it down a bit.

Maybe they’re late because they’re digging in his past to see if they can get him impeached? #prayforreggie

Yeah, I’m sure they’re looking for a #metoo angle as we speak.

Has Reggie ever been seen together with Kamala?

There’s always the Islamophobic angle. That’s a bit problematic, though, because the argument has always been that ISIS isn’t Islam.

Only when it’s convenient to do so, though. Back when Isis and Alquaeda were sort-of* joining forces against Assad, we had to endure years of “moderate rebels” nonsense.

  • = rather than “joining forces” they were like:“Let’s fight Assad together, then we’ll peacefully kill each other lately”

Well, he’s known as a “tough on crime” judge, so maybe the racism angle will work after all?

Yeah, a Caliphate…not Islamic at all.

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It was always suspicious how these “peaceful freedom fighters” were strictly Sunni same as ISIS and Al Nusra. Whereas the Syrian Army consisted of Sunni, Shia, Shia Alawite, Turkmen, Druze and Assyrians + Christians

But in reality it is.