All our yesterdays: nostalgia

Shit, that 17-year-old with the beard looks older than me. :grin:

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Just like Grandpa complaining how these whippersnappers didnā€™t know how to take a tube from the TV down to the drugstore for testing. Or his grandpa complaining these kids couldnā€™t crank an engine over by hand. Or his grandpa complaining they couldnā€™t drive four horses or shoe one.


OMG, the tube tester. I completely forgot about that.


Actually, I thought about that I kind of found a hole in your argument.
I bet I can give you a stack of Punch cards in a room with various apparatuses and I bet you in
than an hour or two you can get those Punch cards reading data. Same with paper tape. Provided I gave you functioning devices.
I bet I can give you one of the ancient failed recording devices use record sound that you havenā€™t seen before and you can probably get it working to play something without any help from anyone.

Now Iā€™ve seen these kids in those videos try to use a rotary phone and they couldnā€™t even figure out first to lift the receiver from the stand.
If they sat there and played with it they would realize thereā€™s a switch and a switch with the click and turn on something.
Iā€™m not the most coordinated but if you give me any ancient piece of technology or something Iā€™ve not seen before that is new both you and I can probably figure out how to get it going before these kids do.

Maybe Iā€™m assuming wrong, but when I see them look at new unfamiliar things I donā€™t see them going through a logical testing process. Maybe itā€™s the pressure of the video.
Iā€™ve actually been exposed all the technology you mentioned from horse shoes to glass blowing (donā€™t inhale). From cranking up old Betsy to banging on a vacuum tube apparatus to get it working.
My grandpa and father showed me the these things.
I for one show my kids and cram school students that there actual sound ways etched into a record and I show them what sounds are on an oscilloscope.
Bottom line, you need knowledge of the past to acquire knowledge of the future.
When you give a kid an mp3 player take some time to explain analog sound itā€™s physics and give them the black box explanation on how digital data works.

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I must admit Iā€™ve never hitched up a horse and plowed a straight furrow in my life, nor chipped a flint axehead.
Iā€™m hopeless on a computer; anything goes wrong I call my son. I have no idea what happens in my computer and I donā€™t want to waste time and effort learning- if it works, thatā€™s all I ask; otherwise Iā€™ll just get somebody to fix it (I canā€™t grind my own ink time or turn a feather into a quill pen either).
Yeah, I grew up with people sending morse code and using ham radios. I can still do semaphore, though pretty rusty. But I would never expect my son to burden himself with those things.
A hobby? Sure. Obsolete knowledge? Throw it out.
I suspect those kids will do fine, and theyā€™ll bitchingly tell their grandkids about when they had to punch out on smartphones by hand- ā€œNone of this mind to mind transfer then, let me tell youā€¦ā€

I still have a nice collection of ancient vacuum tubes (and one of those 50s sci-fi CRTs with a circular face). They all still work, despite being made 65 years ago. Thatā€™s about 63 years longer than the average modern cellphone lasts.



Funny, nice ad. Dang, though, a lot of white paint and red lipstick back in those days.

Very well ā€œplyedā€ indeed

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That was always the best reason to stand on top of the barn.

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Almost fell off the roof a couple timesā€¦ :open_mouth:

yeah, well. no stitches, no fun.

Iā€™m kind of amazed I didnā€™t manage to break a bone till I was in my 30sā€¦and I skied a lot too.

Bike ramps taught me to roll through the landing.

I think I first learned this lesson skateboarding, but it definitely translated into other activities. I once ran into a car at a good clip on skates, did a roll over the hood, and landed without a scratch on the grass divider. Did get a bruise on my shoulder though.