Allergy shots in Taiwan

Anyone have any experience with this and can shed some light whether these are available in Taiwan?

I’ve come to learn that there is a cure for the allergies i suffer - in Taiwan my allergies are for sure caused by house dust.
The way its dealt with is through Desensitisation therapy through either allergy shots or pills (a new option so i’ve read)

Has anyone had this in Taiwan? Can anyone shed some light? I did see an ENT doc but he didn’t bring it up, only some bullshit nasal sprays. But at that time i’d never heard of it so i didn’t ask.

This works for me. You could buy directly in some drug store outside Taipei.

I could only buy it here,%20Taiwan,%20Taoyuan%20City,%20Guishan%20District,%20Fuxing%201st%20Rd,%20126號凱悅藥局&ftid=0x3442a73a5d97381b:0xeb68ca13cdef0d36&hl=en-TW&gl=tw&entry=gps&lucs=,47071704

Other pharmacy in Linkou demands doctor reference letter.

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I’ve had horrible full body rash from an antibiotic. There was a clinic in Danshui at the time that gave me a shot which cured the problem (none of the other stuff would work, every other clinic had treated it like a cold and it did nothing, nor did it go away on its own).

I think it was some kind of a steroid shot but I don’t know what it is. It took 2 shots.

I believe if you visit an immunologist at a major hospital they might have something.

An ENT give me this
Also worked well.
This one definitely need doctor’s note. Cannot buy it directly in pharmacy.

Are these just standard allergy medication?

My allergies are likey caused by either house dust/mites, cold weather or pollen,
It come worst during seasonal changes.
Symptoms including skin itchiness and rashes, ears like getting poked, sneezing like tomorrow (only one at a time).

might be relevant

My brother had this allergy shot in small clinic at Hsichih,
1st allergy shot he went home and while waiting for bus - he fainted and no one helps.

2nd allergy shot - His alone, after taking it he “fainted” and doctor giving him CPR.

I told him better not to take it anymore or else he will die.