1. Introduction
Historically, Europeans are known to have faced 3 major extinction events. In all three occurrences, i.e. the year 453, 1241 and 1946, the survival of the European Modern Humans was so miraculous and so improbable, that even today, it is still misunderstood by the Europeans themselves.
• The first miracle was recorded in the year 453, when Attila the Hun had crushed the Roman armies. The European Modern Humans escaping total annihilation was only due to Attila’s mysterious death on his wedding night, possibly as a result of alcohol poisoning or esophageal hemorrhage.
• The second most improbable miracle was recorded in 1241, as Batu Khan had already totally defeated the European Modern Humans’ forces, made of a Germanic, Polish and Bulgarian coalition. Batu Khan never went westward, to seize the then cornered and defenceless European Modern Humans’ Kingdoms, because as the Mongols were about to invade Western Europe in December 1241, Ogedei Khan (Great Khan of the Mongol Empire) died during a drinking bout. Then his commanders, who were marching towards Vienna, abandoned their campaign, and returned in Mongolia to participate in the election of a successor.
• While the first two events have been documented to some extend, the closest and last encounter still remains shrouded in state cover-up and secrecy. This paper will shed more light on the 1946 occurrence.
2. Prerequisites
2.1. Capture of Japanese secret superweapons
Here we demonstrate how the Empire of Japan was in pole position to achieve the first ever world conquest in human history, back in 1936 on the eve of the Second Sino-Japanese War and subsequently the larger Pacific War (WWII).
We will study the various options available to the Nipponese leaders, along the fate of the Europeans, and how the less than 10% probability of not achieving a world conquest, but instead ending by the most unlikely major military defeat and occupation by a foreign power, has occurred.
2.1.1. Background: The Final War Theory
Ishiwara Kanji (石原 莞爾, 18 January 1889 – 15 August 1949) was a general in the Imperial Japanese Army in World War II. He and Itagaki Seishirō were the men primarily responsible for the Mukden Incident that took place in Manchuria in 1931.
Prior to leaving for Germany, Ishiwara had converted to Nichiren Buddhism. Nichiren had taught that a period of massive conflict would precede a golden era of human culture in which the truth of Buddhism would prevail. Japan would be the center and main promulgator of the faith, which would encompass the entire world. Ishiwara felt that the period of world conflict was fast approaching, and Japan, relying upon its vision of the kokutai and its sacred mission to liberate China, would lead a unified East Asia to defeat the West.
Ishiwara was also the leader of a semi-religious and Pan-Asianist organization, the East-Asia League Movement (Tōarenmei undō).
In the wake of the First World War, Ishiwara came to formulate his theory of the “final war” (saishū sensō 最終戦争). The World Final Race Theory or Final War Theory, published in 1941, was a prophecy about the inevitability of the World War.
The Final War will be conducted with annihilation strategy in a very short period of time that will rely on massive use of weapons of mass destruction and aircrafts.
Ishiwara believed history was inevitably moving humanity towards larger political entities, resulting in the nation-state, which was to be superseded by regional blocks. Eventually, he predicted a final war between Western civilization, led by the United States, and Asia, led by Japan. After this final war, the world would be unified with the Tennō as the spiritual Buddhist figurehead.
Nichirenism, Utopianism, and Modernity
2.1.2. Doctrines
We used a computer simulation to verify the outcome resulting from each of the four possible strategic paths available to the Nipponese leaders in 1936.
A heavily modded (unpublished) Hearts of Iron IV 2 game was custom made for our OSINT research and tested for several months to explore all the possible ahistorical outcomes, retaining only the most rewarding focus path for the Empire of Japan.
These were mostly all historical doctrines, but we added some changes to better serve the Nipponese interests.
According to the above mentioned GDP Triggers, we did not engage in wars that have occurred historically, if this was obviously too risky. Sticking only to the most conservative approach.
Thus, irrational mystical gambler mentality of the historical Nipponese leaders has been overridden in these simulations. Meanwhile, German and Soviet historical self-defeating decisions have not been overridden. Neutrality
This is the best option for the Nipponese planners when trying to reach the 1946 Threshold.
Isolationism and pacifism yield the best result. Staying out of the international turmoil, while all other great powers exhaust their resources in futile brawls, and divert their efforts from fundamental research in high energy physics.
This is especially true for the Allies, who had collected most of the world’ experts in particle physics by 1939, only to waste their talent in needless radar and nuclear weapon developments, while the Empire of Japan was focused primarily on studying high energy physics.
Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) were only a small part of the military applications unlocked by Nishina’s high energy research at RIKEN. Weapons based on applied electron-decaying V-particles technologies have allowed the conception of powerful remote intelligence gathering tools (long-range scanners), and ultimately of remote-controlling enemy forces.
For the most advanced strategic-range stratospheric FUGO airships, the first military offensive could not be launched before 1946.
Therefore, the year 1946 is the threshold if the Nipponese are to start a world conquest and defeat the three great alliances (Allies, Axis and Comintern). Remaining independent, with its Manchurian hinterland safe from enemy airstrikes, and all its industrial capacity and access to strategic resources (rare metals, Rare Earth Elements, Aluminium, Uranium, Helium), is therefore of decisive importance.
Meanwhile, the Nipponese are advised to be cautious, and maintain a minimum military deterrence in Manchukuo and Mengjiang, i.e. the Kwantung Army, in order to not invite a Soviet invasion. Moreover, the Comintern will continue its provocations, in the form of terrorism (targeting occupation police forces, roads, factories, depots, etc) and assassinations including high ranking VIPs. The Nipponese must imperatively no overreact and fall in the trap by declaring war on the Comintern and ROC, and only limit its response to small scale anti-partisan operations.
•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, ahistorically never took place, due to the conspirators’ accidental death while planting bombs. Furthermore, Tojo dies tragically in an aircraft accident.
•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts an defensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.
•By 1942, the Empire of Japan under Nishina’s team at RIKEN, makes two epochal breakthroughs by studying cosmic rays, in the development of quantum electrodynamics theory (QED): Tomonaga’s relativistically covariant formulation of the quantum field theory, and Sakata’s two-meson theory.
•By 1943, the Empire of Japan investigates the military applications of artificially produced cosmic rays.
•By 1944, the Empire of Japan, investigates and map the transcontinental high altitude stratospheric air current patterns, with the first stratospheric fully-automated FUGO sounding balloons.
•By 1945, the Empire of Japan, unlocks the military applications of artificially produced cosmic rays by developing new-type ultra-high energy particle accelerators.
First large-size manned stratospheric FUGO airships are tested during the winter season.
•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators over all major capital cities of the world. North
Hokushin-ron (北進論, “Northern Expansion Doctrine” or “Northern Road”) was a pre-World War II political doctrine of the Empire of Japan which stated that Manchuria and Siberia were Japan’s sphere of interest and that the potential value to Japan for economic and territorial expansion in those areas was greater than elsewhere. Its supporters were sometimes called the Strike North Group. It enjoyed wide support within the Imperial Japanese Army during the interwar period.
The Army favored a “counterclockwise strike” while the Navy favored a “clockwise strike”.
This option is more challenging than the neutrality. It will cost many lives, and resources, but the territorial expansion will also provide more new resources. The downside is that upon reaching the dividing line at 70 degrees east longitude, red line fixed by Hitler, the Empire of Japan will give the Germans a casus belli for a backstabbing.
First, the priority is to defeat the Soviet Union, while the Axis must survive.
Once the Soviet Union is defeated, the next priority is the defeat of the Axis, while the British Islands must remain independent.
Finally, the control of all the Old world is the first step before starting the conquest of the New world.
•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, is ahistorically successful and we support the Kodoha Faction.
•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts an offensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.
•By 15th May 1937, the Empire of Japan escalates border clashes in Manchuria into a full scale invasion of the Soviet Union, Mongolia and Tannu Tuva.
▲ By 15th May 1937, the Empire of Japan escalates border clashes in Manchuria into a full scale invasion of the Soviet Union.
•By 9th September 1938, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions, while surviving remnants of the C.C.P Red Army flee to Mongolia.
▲ By 9th September 1938, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions.
•By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).
▲ By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).
•By 16th May 1941, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Hong Kong).
▲ By 16th May 1941, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, Dutch East Indies, Hong Kong).
•By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).
▲ By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).
•By 29th October 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.
▲ By 29th October 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.
•By 21st January 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS, with a secret agreement offering the retrocession of all core and claimed territories, including Manchuria and Taiwan after the defeat of the Axis.
▲ By 21st January 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS, with a secret agreement offering the retrocession of all core and claimed territories, including Manchuria and Taiwan after the defeat of the Axis.
•By 10th April 1944, Axis and GEACS armies make first contact, north of Stalingrad, effectively cutting the Soviet Union in two.
▲ By 10th April 1944, Axis and GEACS armies make first contact, north of Stalingrad, effectively cutting the Soviet Union in two.
•By 11th April 1944, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.
▲ By 11th April 1944, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.
•By 27th November 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.
▲ By 27th November 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.
At this point, the GDP of the Axis still surpasses that of the GEACS. But the Axis has to fight the Allies at the same time. Meaning a GEACS victory is not impossible. The Axis will have to divide its forces on three fronts, in northern Europe, in eastern Europe and in Africa.
The added Allies’ GDP and GEACS’ GDP will outbeat that of the Axis.
Therefore, the best strategy for the GEACS is to let the Axis and Allies fight both in Europe and in Africa, while minimizing the GEACS’s land war with the Allies, and concentrating on the European front against the Axis.
Containing the Allies with the Nipponese fleet in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean should suffice at this stage.
The main priority is to destroy the Axis and not weakening the Allies. Most importantly, the British islands must not fall to the Axis. This stronghold is of prime importance for launching devastating strategic bombings on the German’s core industrial and demographic heartland. The Allies’ air superiority over Europe will also help the GEACS advancing westward, as matching the German aeronautical production is not possible in the short term.
The GEACS must concentrate on conquering as much Axis-controlled territories as possible, and try capturing Berlin before the Allies.
•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts a new phase in its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators. South
Nanshin-ron (南進論, “Southern Expansion Doctrine”) was a political doctrine in the Empire of Japan which stated that Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands were Japan’s sphere of interest and that the potential value to the Japanese Empire for economic and territorial expansion in those areas was greater than elsewhere.
Its focus was to procure colonial resources in South East Asia and neutralize the threat posed by Western military forces in the Pacific. The Army favored a “counterclockwise strike” while the Navy favored a “clockwise strike”.
This option is more challenging than the neutrality. It will cost many lives, and resources, but the territorial expansion will also provide more strategic resources such as oil and rubber. The downside is that upon reaching the dividing line at 70 degrees east longitude, red line fixed by Hitler, the Empire of Japan will give the Germans a casus belli for a backstabbing.
First, the priority is to secure as much lands under Allies control, in South East Asia, the Pacific and South Asia region.
After the start of the Axis’ invasion of the Soviet Union, the Empire of Japan should help defeat the Comintern, as the Axis must survive.
Once the Soviet Union is defeated, the next priority is the defeat of the Axis, while the British Islands must remain under Allies control.
Finally, the control of all the Old world is the first step before starting the conquest of the New world.
•The Kōdōha or Imperial Way Faction (皇道派) was a political faction in the Imperial Japanese Army active in the 1920s and 1930s. The Kōdōha sought to establish a military government that promoted totalitarian, militarist, and aggressive expansionist ideals, and was largely supported by junior officers. The radical Kōdōha rivaled the moderate Tōseiha (Control Faction) for influence in the army until the February 26 Incident in 1936, when it was de facto dissolved and many supporters were disciplined or executed.
They supported the plan of the northern expansion into Siberia.
Here the February 26 Incident in 1936, ahistorically, did not even occurred, due to the conspirators’ lack of resolve and support.
The Kodoha Faction continue to counterbalance the Tōseiha Faction.
•Instead of escalating into a full scale war in China, there is no Marco Polo Bridge incident, the Empire of Japan adopts a defensive stance in Manchukuo and Mengjiang.
•By 21st March 1939, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions, while surviving remnants of the C.C.P Red Army flee to Mongolia.
▲ By 21st March 1939, the Republic of China annexes the last warlord factions, while surviving remnants of the C.C.P Red Army flee to Mongolia.
•By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).
▲ By 24th August 1939, Germany declares war on Poland (Fall Weiss).
•By 11th May 1940, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, British Burma, Dutch East Indies, French Indochina).
▲ By 11th May 1940, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Allies (Philippines, British Malaya, British Burma, Dutch East Indies, French Indochina).
•By 28th May 1940, Thailand joins the GEACS.
•By 8th June 1940, Kuala Lumpur is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 11th June 1940, France surrenders to the Axis.
•By 24th June 1940, Singapore is conquered by the GEACS forces.
•By 10th December 1940, Free France’s French Indochina is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 23th April 1941, the Philippines is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 15th May 1941, the British Empire wages war on Iraq (Anglo-Iraqi War).
•By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).
▲ By 10th July 1941, the Axis invades the Soviet Union (Operation Barbarossa).
•By 12th August 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.
▲ By 12th August 1941, the Republic of China declares war on the Soviet Union.
•By 12th August 1941, the Soviet Union invades Persia (Anglo-Soviet invasion of Persia).
•By 30th November 1941, Mongolia is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 9th August 1942, British India is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 1st December 1942, Australia is conquered by the GEACS.
•By 19th January 1943, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Soviet Union (KANTOKUEN plan).
KANTOKUEN (Japanese: 関特演, from 関東軍特別演習, Kantogun Tokubetsu Enshu, “Kwantung Army Special Maneuvers”) was an operational plan created by the General Staff of the Imperial Japanese Army for an invasion and occupation of the far eastern region of the Soviet Union, capitalizing on the outbreak of the Soviet-German War in June 1941. Involving seven Japanese armies as well as a major portion of the empire’s naval and air forces, it would have been the largest single combined arms operation in Japanese history, and one of the largest of all time.
The plan was approved in part by Emperor Hirohito on July 7, 1941 and involved a three-step readiness phase followed by a three-phase offensive to isolate and destroy the Soviet defenders in no more than six months. It envisioned heavy use of chemical and biological weapons and would have enforced the harshest occupation regime on the Soviets.
▲ By 19th January 1943, the Empire of Japan declares war on the Soviet Union (KANTOKUEN plan).
•By 3rd July 1943, Moscow is conquered by the Axis; Axis and Chinese armies make first contact, while besieging Stalingrad from both East and West sides.
▲ By 3rd July 1943, Moscow is conquered by the Axis; Axis and Chinese armies make first contact, while besieging Stalingrad from both East and West sides.
•By 11th July 1943, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.
▲ By 11th July 1943, the Soviet Union collapses. No longer able to oppose any organized resistance, Stalin and the Soviet leadership with the remnants of the Red Army, having lost the control of all urban areas, retreat in the mountains and forests of the Ural, Caucasus and Siberia to continue a desperate low level partisan warfare.
•By 16th September 1943, GEACS forces stop their advance at Qanāt al-Suways (Suez Canal), after the conquest of the Sinai.
▲ By 16th September 1943, GEACS forces stop their advance at Qanāt al-Suways (Suez Canal), after the conquest of the Sinai.
•By 16th September 1943, Mengkukuo is created by the Nipponese on conquered territories of the former Soviet Union, with Great Khan (Emperor) Demchugdongrub as its head of state. Chinese Mengjiang is retroceded to the Republic of China in exchange, and also to facilitate its future membership in the GEACS.
▲ By 16th September 1943, Mengkukuo is created by the Nipponese on conquered territories of the former Soviet Union.
•By 1st April 1944, the Republic of China joins the GEACS, with a secret agreement offering the retrocession of all core territories, including Manchuria and Taiwan after the defeat of the Axis.
•By 21st June 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.
▲ By 21st June 1944, Hitler launches a backstabbing war on the GEACS.
At this point, the GDP of the Axis still surpasses that of the GEACS. But the Axis has to fight the Allies at the same time. Meaning a GEACS victory is not impossible. The Axis will have to divide its forces on three fronts, in northern Europe, in eastern Europe and in Africa.
The added Allies’ GDP and GEACS’ GDP will outbeat that of the Axis.
Therefore, the best strategy for the GEACS is to let the Axis and Allies fight both in Europe and in Africa, while minimizing the GEACS’s land war with the Allies, and concentrating on the European front against the Axis.
Containing the Allies with the Nipponese fleet in the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean should suffice at this stage.
The main priority is to destroy the Axis and not weakening the Allies. Most importantly, the British islands must not fall to the Axis. This stronghold is of prime importance for launching devastating strategic bombings on the German’s core industrial and demographic heartland. The Allies’ air superiority over Europe will also help the GEACS advancing westward, as matching the German aeronautical production is not possible in the short term.
•By 1946, the Empire of Japan, starts a new phase in its world conquest, by launching waves of transcontinental stratospheric FUGO airships armed with particle accelerators. West
The Second Sino-Japanese war (SSJW) was historically the turning point in the Second World War. By starting a full-scale war on China, the Empire of Japan could nearly no longer hope to emerge victorious in the long run, according to the GDP rule.
We consider the Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 7th July 1937 as the turning point, although Nipponese expansionism in China began in 1931.
This last option is to escape the Chinese quagmire through a white peace.
But we have envisaged two other ahistorical miracles, though of very low probability.
These imponderables can not be controlled by the Nipponese of course, and only depend on the Chinese actors. White Peace, Unilateral Withdrawal
Pravda’s publication of February 13, 1938, noted that: “the Japanese Army, which possesses a strength of about 1,200,000 men, 2,000 planes, 1,800 tanks, and 4,500 heavy artillery pieces, committed about 1,000,000 troops and a greater part of its arms in China.”
This shows that most Nipponese forces could no longer be used to save the German armies against the Soviet bulldozer. And that a certain defeat of the Axis would have inevitably lead to the defeat of the Empire of Japan.
Therefore, by offering a white peace to China, no later than 1941, would have allowed the Nipponese to send this million men to rescue the Axis by opening a second front from Manchuria.
But China’s position is unknown, and in case of refusal, the only alternate solution, though even more dishonorable than the white peace offer, would have been to proceed with an unilateral withdrawal under the guise of a strategic redeployment behind the Manchurian-East Hebei border, defended by hastily-built lines of heavy fortifications.
The political cost and dishonour for the Nipponese leader at home might have been of course beyond the acceptable, thus making the white peace offer and even worse the unilateral withdrawal only two ahistorical options. But this would have on the other hand improved dramatically the strained diplomatic relations with Germany.
An even less likely possibility is for the Nipponese to offer a military alliance to the Republic of China, with the return of all territorial gains made after 1937.
This offer might be tempting for the Kuomintang for three reasons:
•A joint military offensive against the CCP would have allowed to achieve China’s reunification more easily, with the powerful air support provided by the Nipponese, along military advisors, and weapons.
•The Germans’ dilemma to choose between supporting China or the Nipponese would no longer exist, thus mending the diplomatic relations with Germany.
•The German initial plan to wage a total war on the Soviet Union with both the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan could now be a reality, thus mending the diplomatic relations with Germany. Xi’an incident
The 12th December 1936 abduction of the Republic of China’s leader Chiang Kai Shek was a carbon copy of the most successful 11th October 1896 kidnapping of Sun Yat Sen, the future first leader of the Republic of China.
While in both cases the abductors were originally not the European predatory colonial ▄ powers, but the end results have been the same: the remote control of China via its newly puppetized top leader or future leader. By the British Empire in the case of Sun Yat Sen, and by the Soviet Union in the case of Chiang Kai Shek.
According to the Marxist principle of ‘history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce’, Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek’s 1936 act of treason was a repeat of the 1142 Song Dynasty Prime Minister Qin Hui’s treason.
Indeed, in both cases family members taken hostage by the invading Northmen were used as tools to blackmail the high ranking assets, coercing them to become traitors.
The son of Chiang Kai Shek, Chiang Ching Kuo went to study in Moscow in 1925, but was taken hostage soon after 1927 when relations between the U.S.S.R. and Chiang Kai Shek deteriorated.
Qin Hui was captured by the Jurchen Jin Northmen invaders and had surrendered secretly following the fall of the Northern Song dynasty.
After an alleged escape, Qin Hui returned to Southern Song dynasty Emperor Zhao Gou’s court in the South, but serving the Northmen’s interests.
As the reconquest under General Yue Fei of the whole of the lost Northern Song’s territory was about to succeed, Qin Hui framed General Yue Fei up and persuaded Emperor Zhao Gou to call a truce with Jurchen Jin.
As a reward, Emperor Zhao Gou’s birth mother, held hostage in Jin dynasty was sent back, along with his father Zhao Ji’s coffin. 1 2
▄ Japanese victory in China
The Xi’an Incident (traditional Chinese: 西安事變; simplified Chinese: 西安事变; pinyin: Xī’ān Shìbìan) was a political crisis that took place in Xi’an, Republic of China in 1936. Chiang Kai Shek, leader of the Republic of China, was detained by his subordinates, Generals Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng, in order to force the ruling Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang or KMT) to change its policies regarding the Empire of Japan and the Communist Party of China (CPC).
Prior to the incident, Chiang Kai Shek focused on fighting Communists within China rather than the external threat of the Japanese. After the incident, Chiang aligned with the Communists against the Japanese. The crisis ended after two weeks of negotiation, in which Chiang was eventually released and returned to Nanjing, accompanied by Zhang. Chiang agreed to end the ongoing civil war against the CPC and began actively preparing for the impending war with Japan.
On 12 December 1936, bodyguards of Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng stormed the cabin where Chiang was staying and detained the Nationalist leader. A telegram was sent to Nanjing to demand immediate end to civil war against the CPC, and to reorganize the Nationalist government by expelling pro-Japanese factions and adopting an active anti-Japanese stance. As conflicting reports unfolded, the Nationalist government in Nanjing was sent into disarray.
Many young officers in the Northeast Army demanded Chiang be killed, but this was refused by Zhang as his intention was “only to change his policy”.
Although the abduction of Chiang was not aimed at harming physically the Generalissimo but to coerce him into provoking a war between the ROC and the Empire of Japan to the greater benefit of the Comintern, with the promise of military support from Moscow, including the formation of the 1937–1941 Second Chinese United Front, Chiang Kai Shek nonetheless sustained an injury while trying to escape his assailants by scaling a wall, badly hurting his back as he fell into a ditch in the dark and sought refuge on a hillside.
This turning point in the course of the WWII could have ended totally differently, as the ahistorical accidental death of Chiang Kai Shek caused by breaking his neck following an uncontrolled fall, would have secured the Imperial Japanese Army’s victory in China, made easier with no formation of a Second Chinese United Front.
After the Nipponese military victory, the best option is to release a fully independent nation lead by Wang Jingwei, the Republic of China. This is the only way to exploit the boundless manpower of China, and form a formidable military powerhouse needed to face the Soviet Union.
For the same reason, there should be no remaining cliques, all must be absorbed into the Republic of China, including the Dalai Clique.
The fatal mistake of the Paradox’s Hearts of Iron series both ahistorical and self-defeating for Japan, is not only to dismember China, by cannibalizing all the coastal provinces into a Japanese colony, but to reduce the remaining to a puppet state, therefore ruining all the potentials of this nation to become in the future the first world superpower, absolutely needed in the multi-decades long war against the combined Comintern, Axis and Allies.
By doing so, Japan that can in no way reach the superpower level itself due to its limited core manpower and resources, while China will only produce inferior quality divisions to support Japan’s war effort. The ultimate self-defeating waste.
It is for this same reason, that South East Asia should also be turned into a fully independent regional powerhouse centered around Siam, that has cores or claims on all the neighbouring Buddhist regions, including Cambodia, Laos, Burma, and Southern Indochina.
This will allow this South East Asian powerhouse to be able to repel without the help of Japan, the predicted future repeated U.S. landing and invasion attempts.
Only the Muslim regions could be either colonized by Japan, or released.
Same goes for the Soviet Union. Japan should not annex it, but divide according to cores and claimed territories: Tannu Tuva, Outer Mongolia and Outer Manchuria to China, everything else into a fully released independent Mongol State, something similar to a Greater Mengkukuo under the Great Khan (Emperor) Demchugdongrub.
The Republic of China will be a member of the GEACS. Japanese neutrality in China
An alternate path, where without the threat of the Second Chinese United Front, the Empire of Japan would not even fire the 7th July 1937 Marco Polo Bridge incident, is now made possible.
If Wang Jingwei were to take the interim control of the Kuomintang, blaming the CCP for the accidental death of Chiang Kai Shek, and wage a war of retaliation on Yan’an to avenge the death of Chiang.
Secret negotiations would then be undertaken with the Empire of Japan that could have secured some military assistance for the ROC against the common Comintern foe, counterpart to the Soviet Operation Zet and U.S. First American Volunteer Group (AVG).
This in addition to the Sino-German cooperation, without the 1938 recall of Alexander von Falkenhausen to Berlin under Japan’s pressure.
After a final push into the heart of Yan’an by 1939, the KMT could have chased the remnants of the C.C.P in the Soviet Sinkiang or Mongolia, still core ROC territories, therefore forcing the U.S.S.R. to enter the war.
By the start of Operation Barbarossa on 22nd June 1941, the Empire of Japan could have easily invaded and seized Vladivostok and all the surrounding Soviet-occupied Outer-Manchurian region, therefore hastening the European Axis Forces’ advance in the Western Front. Wang Jingwei
Similarly, as no fewer than a hundred assassination attempts on Adolf Hitler have been uncovered by historians, any successful plot to remove Chiang Kai Shek could have turned the tide in favor of the Empire of Japan in its war against China.
Wang Jingwei was a close associate of Sun Yat Sen for the last twenty years of Sun’s life. After Sun’s death in 1925 Wang engaged in a political struggle with Chiang Kai Shek for control over the Kuomintang, but lost. Wang remained inside the Kuomintang, but continued to have disagreements with Chiang until the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War in 1937, after which he accepted an invitation from the Japanese Empire to form a Japanese-supported collaborationist government in Nanjing.
An alternate ahistorical path could have saved the Empire of Japan’s from defeat, if Chiang Kai Shek were to be removed, quickly and before 1941, in a plot involving Wang Jingwei with or without the Nipponese involvement. Once the Chiang Kai Shek hurdle removed, the Wang Jingwei-lead Kuomintang could have offered a white peace to the Nipponese.
For this, a simple neutral stance from the Wang Jingwei-lead Republic of China toward the Empire of Japan would have sufficed. A less likely possibility would have been the formal military alliance between the two nations. Fake surrender
There is another bonus strategy but with a very low probability of success, for a post-1945 GEACS victory through Trojan horse in outer space.
A last ditch attempt to avert the foreseen defeat, by strategically planning and offering a feigned surrender to the Allies, thus turning the tide of the war to finally achieve a late post 1945 GEACS victory. Pivotal to this stratagem is the capture by both Allied and Comintern forces of the GEACS game-ender as ‘victory trophy’.
Playing the divide between the ex-war-allies, and the restart of hostilities between the Allies and the Comintern.
By carefully splitting the scientific and military personnel as well as the hardware and facilities to be ‘captured’ in order to equalize the probability of success by both antagonistic sides in the upcoming ‘game-ender space race’.
By doing so, the GEACS would be able to force the two superpowers to rush in crash space programs, thus leaving room for vulnerabilities: blind and total reliance on the technical expertise of the GEACS’ military scientists.
Once the game-ender Mod-3 (orbital MC WMD) is completed and placed into LEO by any of the two U.S. or Soviet contenders, taking the full control of the MC superweapon by activating the hidden secret codes. Then turning the orbital MC WMD against both the Allied and Comintern. First to be neutralised are the highest in hierarchy in the WMD program. Then in always broader circles, sweeping worldwide the scientific community, military leaders, political establishments, academic circles, prominent clericals, without sparing the most influential figures from the civilian society.
Finally, official announcement of the end of the space race, and end to the U.S.-Soviet Cool War. Claiming total victory for the winning side, be it the New Socialist World Order or the Capitalist World Order. Nipponese wire-pulled Dystopian World Order masqueraded as Pax Sovietica or Pax Americana, superseding a century of Pax Britannica. Humankind entering the Age of Globalization.
Of course, like any special operation, the probability of success of such strategy is of the slimmest.
Indeed, the computer Trojan horse could be detected before it is even activated, and the GEACS scientists unmasked simply because the victors would certainly use mind-readers to screen all military personnel, as a new standard security measure. Pax Americana vs Pax Nipponica
The above fully demonstrates that instead of living today in the Pax Americana, the second most likely other ahistorical probability is for us to live under a Japanese-lead world order, called the Pax Nipponica.
Japan had more than 93.75% chance (15/16) of achieving the first ever world conquest back in 1936.
But Tojo et al. intoxicated by the heavy and most nefarious influences of the Italo-German fascist ideologies and the European’s imperialist culture, have broken the world’s worse ever record in term of military defeat.
Surpassing even Churchill’s abysmal failure.
While the British’s most clumsy trick to subdue the Comintern by instrumentalizing the Axis, under his patronage and connivance, has ultimately backfired in the most devastating way, and thus putting an abrupt end to a century-long British world hegemony known as the Pax Britannica, Tojo’s military adventurism has ended the Nipponese civilization’s 2605 years of uninterrupted independence, a unique world record in itself.
Worse, as the Nipponese would not only be militarily defeated by what was regarded as the ‘barbarian’ Europeans (U.S.), forcing it to surrender all its directed energy weapons and near-space airship platforms to the U.S. victor, thus allowing the U.S. military junta to achieve the first world conquest by the 1947s, but also endure a full colonization and brainwashing with the same psychotronic weapons the Nipponese had initially intended to use to defeat the Europeans!
In short, to achieve the first ever world conquest, the probability were of 1/4 chance by remaining peaceful, 1/4 by striking North i.e. the Soviet Union, 1/4 by striking South i.e. the Allies, 1/1’000’000 by faking a surrender. The worse possible path was to pick a fight with the Chinese indomitable colossus, that ultimately brought the Empire of Japan to its knees in September 1945 (1/16 probability)!
Probability breakup by strategic doctrines:
- Neutrality (1/4 probability)
- North (1/4 probability)
- South (1/4 probability)
- West (1/4 probability)
4.1. White Peace, Unilateral Withdrawal (1/16 probability)
4.2. Xi’an incident (1/16 probability)
4.3. Wang Jingwei (1/16 probability)
4.4. Fake surrender (1/1’000’000 probability)
4.5. Unconditional surrender (1/16 probability)
This painful truth has caused such sleepless nights and uneasiness that the Emperor Showa has confessed in his anguishing final years:
▲ Pax Americana: Historical Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4’000 years of civilization.
▲ Pax Nipponica: Ahistorical Timeline of the Neo-Chinese road to exo-diplomatic victory, after 4000 years of civilization.