Am I wrong or is the mrs? Naughty Foreigner


Wife’s friend, moral high ground and all that. (first time I’m actually replying to a sticker comment.)

I think you are overreacting.

  1. You haven’t given us any details about what this guy said. The friend was obviously upset about it enough to take a video after and post it. (I am not condoning it, just saying that he might have done more than just walked his dog without a leash. )

  2. Your wife didn’t post or contribute to the racists comments on the post. Correct?

I understand that you are bothered by the post, but you are asking your wife to publicly go after people she doesn’t know online. She could deal with original poster who she does know. I personally think this is a lot to ask to get on there and set things right in the comments.
I am not saying she shouldn’t, but I think you’re making too big a deal out of this.

In my opinion you are free to do that, but you shouldn’t force people to do the same.

In conclusion: I often call out discrimination. I mention to people when they should rethink a phrase or comment. I do not force other people to take a proactive approach in addressing it the same way I do. Maybe you could go on there and discuss the discrimination with these strangers online, but i think its unfair for you to demand this of your wife.

Right, but because it hurts your feelings ? Like, seriously? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I find these kinds of threads are really confusing. What’s the point of discussing it here. A guy was being a dick. Some woman was being a dick. Do two dicks make a donk? Is the donk racism? Who gives a fuck?


What’s the point of discussing anything here? Perhaps with the exception of “Where can I find…” or maybe legal issues.

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I know but I just can’t find my way into the discussion. :sweat_smile: Where do you begin? It’s all third hand news.

I agree, we are not diplomats, go about your life in the same way. There will always be xenophobic people around. I do not represent any foreigners here and neither do you. Therefore I basically agree with you, (beg packers aside lol).

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That one is the prime news source fo tv and newspapers in Taiwan. And no, I am not kidding. It is a must for reporters here.

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ironically taiwanese love the frigging beg packers!!

i take it you didn’t see the story about the white who threw a banana out of his car(in the countryside) and was then pitchforked into making a pathetic apology…

if massive public media hatred/shaming isn’t a meaningful amount then i don’t know what is.

I saw that guy, hilarious

Was he groveling?

Did you mean acting in an obsequious manner , to obtain forgiveness ? As in “grovelling”…blame @BiggusDickus for this grammar /spelling thing :rofl:
I am turning into JimmiP :smile:

You’d probably tell me traveling is wrong too!

Naughty foreigners , indeed. Changing all the words.

Would an apology placate you?

No . I am more than happy to receive constructive criticism ,especially when I consider the years , years I say, of merriment to be had between us on the issue :wink::innocent:

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I made a joke about your non-standard punctuation usage and you explained to me why. I’ve learned from this.

As an aside, Presley makes shed loads of errors. Usually drink related, I think.

Get Presley back on here…!

I saw an old Taiwanese man cleaning his dogs paws with wet wipes in Louisa Coffee and thought damn that dog lives the best life.