Americans psyching me out about safety

People tend to catastrophise war, but in reality a very small percentage of the population die. If war does break out I’d guestimate a 3 or 4% chance of you getting killed, and that’s probably on the high side. And if you do die, you won’t know any better, so what’s to worry about?

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Probably a year minimum, but I’d like to stay for longer!

The traffic isn’t dangerous at all unless you get on a motorcycle. The number of foreigners who die from car accidents in the country is in low double digits.

Feels like you are building up to an outro song there: :grin:

Always look on the bright side of the upcoming robo-apocalypse war, do do, do do do do do do


If a war breaks out in the Taiwan strait, I can assure you the US won’t be that much safer. I don’t know where one would be safe in WW3. Maybe New Zealand?

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Africa and south America might be mostly safe. But forget about earning good salary or wage there.

I’m not sure whether that would be a major concern after WW3.


Ideally you want to be living there long before rumors of war becomes more than a rumor. Life after won’t be good either.

If you wait until after, those countries will not be letting anyone in.

Oh, I understand your point now.

I would consider somewhere like northern Canada to be a better choice. Get a job as a lumberjack or beaver hunter.

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You do not want to live in northern Canada at the best of times. Even worse without fuels with which to not freeze to death.

Just had a mate who is living in London give me his intel about Xi etc etc. While at the same time telling me London is safe. Yea i’d rather live in here and not get stabbed thanks.


Sounds like he is talking complete horse shit. The bit about an older generation of Chinese blue collar baby boomers? Chairman Ghee? :joy:

Take it or leave it. I put it up for the bit about China invading or blockading Taiwan. :taiwan:

China, IMO, wants to take Taiwan but isn’t willing to die trying.


Um, zero shipping goes through Taiwan. Absolutely none. It does not have a canal built through it, unlike Panama, and it’s pretty frikkin tall in the center (almost 4000m). Pretty hard for ships to go through.

some shipping may go ALONGSIDE Taiwan, true.

and the second part of the statement makes no sense at all. But do carry on!

No. You should move to Africa or South America now, before the rush.

Copium much? :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Taiwan's traffic deaths surpass Japan's | Taiwan News | 2022-02-07 11:37:00.

Japan – the entire country – has about ~125 million population, ~2800 traffic fatalities
Taiwan: around ~23 million population, ~2900 traffic fatalities.



You are copium.

More than 1800 of those deaths were motorcyclists and only 44 were foreigners.

I moved to Taiwan in 1988.

I’ve been told China is about to invade and start a war every other weekend.

Yawn. The mood in Taiwan is what are you on about?