Anger about Anger

Are you trying to equate coprophilia with love of drinking German wines?

German white wine is underestimated. I keep telling people:

Wanne drink it red, then drink French or Spanish, the latter has sometimes this typical Sherry taste, but not always. A good Crianza or Reserva is usually more fruity, whereas the French can have that gorgeous “old dungeon” taste of leather or wood, where you can taste history in every drop.

German Red cannot match. As most people want it red (me for sleeping, getting drunk or having a sentimental evening), your statement is true mostly.

But if you want an inspiring drop on your tongue, lively and fresh, try the German Whites. A Riesling, dry or medium or even sweet is always a good selection. Makes more alive, not tired like a heavy Red.

Or the *aner choices, of whose the musky Silvaner is most popular. One of my favourites, unless I am rather depressed, then a Rivaner with its slight cheese backflavour is just right for me.

A white Burgunder never got me going, but it is nice for any occasion.


Hmmmm a dry (!) Riesling Spaetlese, Sweet and sour at the same time.
Seldomly to be found though

EDIT: now we have gotten astray, shall we split this thread? :blush:

87 years old? :astonished:

45 kg of chocolate?

I thought that was just an old joke, but I guess pedophiles really do use that, “Hey little girl, want some candy?” line.