Annette Lu, against aboriginals, against Taiwan

May Chin couldn’t give a toss about the people, she’s doing this for political points.

As I thought…the usual anti-Administration pro-authoritarian media nonsense, picked up an disseminated by their mindless lapdogs. Please tell me who she meant by those “responsible for the spoiling of soil and water resources around central Taiwan.” Where is there anything about aborigines in there? The second sentence is obviously a continuation of the first.

In other words, typical right-wing media lies.


[quote] This is a very interesting idea that I’ve been grappling with for a few years now. I’m 8th generation Taiwanese but my family still considers itself “Chinese”. Is your wife’s family from one of the aboriginal tribes? Even then, several thousand years seems to be a bit of a stretch…
[/quote] … nal_Tribes

read it for yourself then, these articles state 3000 to 6000 years.

As I thought…the usual anti-Administration pro-authoritarian media nonsense, picked up an disseminated by their mindless lapdogs. Please tell me who she meant by those “responsible for the spoiling of soil and water resources around central Taiwan.” Where is there anything about aborigines in there? The second sentence is obviously a continuation of the first.[/quote]

I don’t know if Lu mentions aborgines directly but considering that they make up most of the population in the mountainous areas in Central Taiwan, I can’t imagine what other group she could be referring to as needing to be rescued from the flooding and landslides.

All in all, Lu needs to stop making comments during her visits and speeches at conferences…it’s just giving the media more stuff to print. I get the feeling that she still thinks that she’s in the opposition party and has to have the last word.

That first article Satellite TV links to is a very good history of the aborigines in Taiwan. From my own reading, it is obvious that the writer(s) of this article have researched it properly and used authoritative sources (eg Shepherd).


She stated it clearly:

“those people who should be held responsible for the spoiling of soil and water resources around central Taiwan”

I mean, do you believe she thinks that all aborigines do this?


I’m not sure…she apparently doesn’t think the aborigines were the original people on Taiwan :slight_smile:

Anyway, the interpretation has to do with the translation and context. [quote]According to the China Times, 她說,如果以為去搶救幾個應該負起濫墾責任的人就是慈悲,又年復一年,一再做這種事,是沒有用的,希望大家不要再吃高山水果了。[/quote] This was said while visiting the areas affected by landslides(specifically Nantou County). As I said before, basically the only people living/farming in Central Taiwan are the aborigines, that’s why they call themselves “山地人” (Mountain People) as opposed to “平地人” (Plains People). I don’t think there’s a way she can get out of this…

Are you sure about this? I have driven through Nantou many times and I see a lot of Minnanren in the area working in the fields. Are you sure that the Yuanzhumin are the ONLY people who farm there? I think there are Yuanzhumin there, but their numbers in Taiwan today are VERY small.

Okay while the DPP apologist are splitting hairs over “who” she was referring to. I’m going to go out on the limb and just exclude those of us that frequent forumosa from her insensitive remarks.

But that still begs the question, why did she ask those responsible to leave the Taiwan to start a new career? Or why they did not deserve any sympathy being victims of the landslide?

I will assume the government did not educate the populace on the risk of landslides during heavy rain, nor regulate the use of land to prevent future landslides.

Regulate? Yes. Check out the Slopeland Conservation and Utilization Act. Enforce the regulations? No - they slackened enforcement to try and help encourage tourism to areas most affected by the 921 quake.


Well if that is the case should not she be point fingers at the government body that was suppose to enforce those regulations. I mean it might be hubris on her part, she’s only been VP of Taiwan for 4 years now.

Now the question becomes, is it the government’s fault for not enforcing laws? Or is it the people’s fault for not obeying them? I think it’s one of those cases of gov’t overcompensation. “Oh, those poor people had their homes destroyed during the earthquake, let’s let them do illegal/dangerous things so they can get back on their feet”

On a side note, there’s one thing I don’t really understand about people who live in areas prone to flooding. Immediately after it floods, everyone scrambles to clean up their houses/stores, etc. However, NO ONE seems to think about putting up sandbags. So, two hours later, it floods again…

[quote=“answerer”] let’s let them do illegal/dangerous things so they can get back on their feet"


The government needs to allow people to do dangerous, illegal things here? Is that supposed to be news?

Don’t worry about the aborigines, they’ll soon all be gone, if this story is any indication…

[size=150][b]GO WEST!
Lu Ships Aborigines to South American; Brazilian Rain Forest a

[quote]She also gave each of them a waterproof locket containing her photo.
A far, far, cry from The Onion, but this quote brings it just a step closer. :bravo:

So more protest from the aboriginal this weekend. Why won’t she just apologize and get it over with. What wrong with this adminstration. Always somebody protesting them and blocking traffic.

Finally ac and I seem to agree about something. Jeeeze, you are so right. Why the hell haven’t they just declared martial law and tossed all these whiners in jail. Oh, for the good ole KMT days. Those geezers really new how to deal with trouble makers and traffic blockers. :unamused:

I don’t see any remarks about aborigines in there anywhere. Can you point to where any of the Chinese terms for ‘aborigine’ are used? The Central mountains of Taiwan are farmed by a large number of people, only a minority of which are aborigine (I live right next to the mountains of central Taiwan); everyone above me farms, and hardly any are aborigines; they all have kids in my daughter’s school).

This looks like suck-ups to the KMT are simply attempting to shove their interpretation of her words down the media’s throat so they can hurt the Administration. Since they are unable to craft effective policy, or kill their opponents (the White Terror being over), all they have left now are protests staffed by gangsters, and media smears. One could almost feel sorry for them, they and their supporters are so pathetic, if they were not so serious and destructive.

Are you the Answerer from Infidels?


From the context of the conversations (being in Nantou, looking at the landslides and remarking upon the people who caused them), it’s not a difficult logical connection to figure out who she was referring to.

Now, your claim that the KMT is shoving an interpretation down the media’s throat (wow, I guess they must own all the newspapers and TV channels since everyone reported it), is somewhat of a stretch. Considering you don’t have anything remotely close to proof ot this.

I feel sorry for the people of Taiwan. The VP has too much pride to back down and apologize, the President can’t exactly reprimand his VP, the officials are incompetent, the list goes on and on. And above all, the supporters still blindly support them and speak for them.


Well if that is the case should not she be point fingers at the government body that was suppose to enforce those regulations. I mean it might be hubris on her part, she’s only been VP of Taiwan for 4 years now.[/quote]

Logic doesn’t go very far in Taiwan, especially when a scapegoat is available.