Another celebrity caught with marijuana - Why is this still news?

There’s footage of the inspection. He dropped the weed the second he got off his car, and smelled like weed. It’s DUI the man deserves to go to jail.

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A DUI, eh?

I’m pretty liberal but that changes everything. He deserves what he gets.

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Weed vape is super faint, almost zero weed smell, he must of been super baked… thats his problem yes .
If your a lightweight dont drive, dont do anything stay home on the couch… now go to jail boy

Did the cops pull him over because he was driving slowly and carefully, actually stopping for a red light? His wife’s face was green?

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The biggest point is that he dropped it the second he stepped out of the car. So it was probably on his lap. He might have been using and driving at the same time.

I’m not really sure if driving while high on cannabis is really a big deal. It’s certainly nowhere close to being impaired with alcohol. The evidence for THC causing more risks while driving. is not very conclusive.

I used to drive high daily. I actually like it for long drives as it relaxes me. I’ve never been in a accident and it’s a huge sample size of times I’ve driven high since I was around 16. I know 100% I can’t drive drunk. That’s not even a debate.

But I can see how someone who is a poor driver in terms of skills and spatial awareness skills can suffer greatly from it or if someone who is not used on THC and got messed up can’t function on it.

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Here’s the statement from his wife. Apparently he’s already home, and they did not seize more marijuana at the house as the news reported.








It seems targeted. So is this SOP, they actually toss the contents of your car and even spot drug test items inside?

I know for a fact cannabis doesn’t impair, even when extremely high.

I took a blow once and I had no idea how to do it, so I ended up getting to the point where time was going little by little and I would forget how I even got there within a minute, and a minute felt like an hour.

But when high like this your concentration, attention to detail, and reaction time is kicked up x1000. Time is very slow for you and so if you were doing something requiring quick response, it would actually help you. Alcohol is completely opposite. When drunk you’re in a fog, you are sleepy, and your reaction time is much slower. This is why driving drunk is so dangerous.

It helps me ADHD symptoms a lot. But the downside is short term memory sucks. I know some people like darts player use it to help them play better.

I think it might freak out people who aren’t used to it and doesn’t smoke very much when they drive. But for me, I don’t believe it impaired my driving ability in a way that was dangerous. I’m not saying anyone should go drive high, it may impact others differently.

Maybe I should give it a try, my darts skills suck.

But driving under the influence is a bad advice.

You may think it didn’t impair your reaction but everybody knows that one guy at the party who thinks he’s perfectly fine (to drive) while puking his soul out.

People that get especially paranoid probably shouldn’t be driving or operating heavy machinery. May not impair them perse but definitely impacts their decision making.

After legalization in Colorado, there were reports of people freaking out on edibles (always edibles). One guy freaked out and killed his wife. Novice users, edibles and a gun in the house is not a good mix.

And then this one I found hilarious a NY Times reporter claiming it was so dangerous because she was convinced she died after eating edibles.

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On this, Andrew and I agree. Back in Whistler in the 90s, (I’ve posted this before on Flob), I drove limos up and down one of the most dangerous highways imaginable. My boss insisted we imbibe before heading out. As did all the owner operators of the cabs in town. They (and I) all felt it made you a safer driver. Paranoia on the roads is a good thing.

Okay, let the cancellation of Toe begin.

Sure but you have to admit there is difference between edibles and any other form of consumption. One you don’t know how much is too much until it’s too late and two it all hits at once. Every news story with people freaking out is because of edibles. If you tried to smoke that much, you’d just fall asleep.


Modern edibles I’ve no idea about.

Circa 1986: Whistler, BC. Moving Day.

I borrow my buddy’s truck. When I stopped by his office to grab the keys, he tells me he forgot a muffin on the dash. “Eat it if you want,” sez he.

I ate it.

About an hour later, I am high and I don’t know why. Made moving day a breeze though.

When I return his keys that afternoon, he sez, “How’d you like the muffin?”

The pieces all fell into place.

Point is, he trusted a mysteriously-baked ski-bum he hardly knew with his truck.

I dunno no one mentioned why they stopped him.

Yup. And the whole car smells like weed. It’s gonna be pretty hard to get away from this, even if the cops didn’t have the ground to stop him from the beginning. I’m not saying they don’t, I’m saying even if that’s the case, the cops could just simply say they suspected DUI so they pulled him over. That’s gonna sound legit since he was actually doing joints and the whole car smelled funny.

Ahem if weed makes you laugh like an idiot I don’t think you’ll take driving as seriously as you should while you DUI. Some people even just pass out. How’s that not under influence?

It’s stating that there’s no more crashing incidents but that’s not the only reason why you shouldn’t DUI. Even if you didn’t crash, it could impair your ability when facing emergency. I woudnt want my pilot to smoke weed when im on a flight, not do I want my ER doctor to be high. This is one of the reason why a single beer before driving is not allowed (wouldn’t pass the breathalyzer) even if you don’t feel tipsy. It slows down the reaction time. There’s so much more factors to this.


Now take five muffins and tell me how you feel. That is what these weed tourists are doing. Theyve made the dose so low for each edible to prevent people taking too much. But then people think it’s not working since it takes a while and end up eating more until they feel something.

It doesn’t make me laugh like an idiot. For day to day driving, I can’t say it impairs me. I would not drive after I drink with a single beer. I don’t find alcohol impairment even comparable to THC.