Another celebrity caught with marijuana - Why is this still news?

Yeah, I think it would be pretty intense if you eat edibles and don’t know how it will impact you and it hits you when you drive.

It differs from person to person and from batch to batch, and even day to day (your reaction on a busy day might not be the same on a lazy day). Obviously law makers have to consider more than just “it might not affect every single person”. Plus, there’s more studies regarding the reaction. I read a few back in college days. I remember there’s good trip and bad trip. If there’s bad trip thats DUI. Even if it’s good trip you might still be under influence. Basically if it involves tripping them you shouldn’t be driving.

I don’t understand this. It’s not a hallucinogenic. It’s consistent for me. It doesn’t impact my decision making like alcohol does. That’s the main issue for me with alcohol, it impairs my decision making ability. THC does not.

You need to do some more study. Tripping is from LSD and mushrooms.

It’s a totally different thing.

You can generally spot stoned drivers on account of the fact they drive too slow.

I’m way more cautious on THC. It’s not to me, something that makes you irrational or impairs your judgement. I can’t say for other people. But I’ve never acted in a irrational way in the way something like alcohol does.

Driving too slow can be dangerous too.

Now you can use some medical terms like anticholinergic or others. It’s documented that there were cases of bad trip. It’s plausible to have doubt and be cautious when it comes to DUI since the cost is just too high.

I would not call it a trip. It’s a bad experience. I agree people should take caution, especially if they don’t know how it affects them. I’m certainly not encouraging people to smoke and drive. But I can have a pretty bad experience with too much caffeine causing me to be on edge, has happened to me. I wouldn’t say someone shouldn’t drink energy drinks and drive. Just depends.

Slow driving is horribly dangerous for other drivers. Here you have a single slow person on a scooter causing a pack of frustrated riders behind them trying to get around.

It can be an experience similar to tripping if you ingest a lot of very potent cannabis, I.e. some of the newer hybrids or hydroponically grown strains I’ll grant you that. But it’s quite difficult to experience what we refer to as a psychedelic trip with hallucinations and out of body experiences and that may continue for many hours. That’d be some trippy reefer, man.

Well there’s no clear definition on “tripping” since it’s not really a medical term. But in psychology some of us use the term to describe what people might call “bad experience“. It’s just some misunderstanding I see.

I believe the technical term is “reefer madness.”


Ok I agree its nothing like alcohol and that small doses might even help certain types of people but to say there shouldn’t be a DUI limit or that it always
helps is just ridiculous. What if you get green-out?

The reason that DUI is such a big deal isn’t just because of slow reactions, its mostly judgment impairment. When under influence, you are in no shape to judge your situation and whether you are fit to drive or not. That’s the whole point.

I’m actually pretty shocked that so many people believe that driving under the influence of weed is okay… Can’t we all just drive peacefully and responsibly? If you need recreational driving drive in GTA or something…

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Isn’t Taiwan that country where adultery is still a crime?

It was recently decriminalized.

Fuck no. Marijuana should stay illegal. The last thing a society needs is a bunch of loser stoners.

Oh, I thought they were just talking about it. Still, legalize pot, but DUI isn’t ok. Driving while an adultress is also unacceptable.

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You know there’s medical use marijuana right? I could use some myself. Stoners or not, it’s just inhuman to ban medical herbs when there’s medical morphine in hospitals.

You can have a bad experience from a chicken curry. A trip is a trip is a trip. If you’ve never taken LSD then you don’t really know what you’re talking about.