Another rant

It’s usually either a oneupmanship thing or trying to persuade you to see the perceived errors of your ways. I find that sarcasm is a pretty nice deterrent for these people.

  • Do you believe in Jesus Christ as your personal savior?

  • No.

  • Well, that’s too bad. I find that having Jesus in my life has helped me find fulfillment and joy.

  • Yeah, well, some people find joy in having sex with animals. I guess we all have our own ways to get through the day.

  • How come you’re not married?

  • I find that married people tend to be so unsatisfied with their lives that they often try to recruit others to join them in their unhappiness by persuading them that marriage is great. I choose not to be one of those poor, pathetic people.

Works like a charm.

Tonight the ice cream fell out of my ice cream cone. Three seconds wasn’t enough. Who needs rules.

I’m not sure what this means, but it’s set me up for the day. Thanks.

(See, you don’t have to make people explain everything. Or agree with each other. Diversity is a wonderful thing, if you accept it.)

I’m not sure what this means, but it’s set me up for the day. Thanks.

(See, you don’t have to make people explain everything. Or agree with each other. Diversity is a wonderful thing, if you accept it.)[/quote]

“The map is not the territory.”

This line, and comments with similar allusions by other people, needs to be addressed.

This is not a Living in Taiwan issue. I put the thread in Open for a reason. It’s a universal thing, or have you never tried to explain to Mr Whitey why you wouldn’t want to date a girl like the one on his arm, or why you don’t like night markets?