I think it is a well known fact (at least among the boys) that most women like to nag. I don’t know why–haven’t studied that course yet. I suppose there is some sort of instinct in most women to make their men better that manifests itself in a tendency to point out to him exactly where he falls short of perfection. Ask most men and they’ll agree that many women view nagging as both a duty and a hobby.
My intent here is not to offend. I will state for the record that I realize that some women don’t nag. Just who these miraculous beings are and where they live, I don’t know. I suppose on some lost island in the Mediterranean Sea, where men live to be 150 years old and die with smiles of joy rather than looks of relief on their faces.
Since most of my male friends complain on a regular basis about how their wives or girlfriends like to nag them, I thought we could discuss tactics for preventing, reducing, or heading off a good nagging session. You see, men hate being nagged, but we’re not allowed to act like we hate it. We’re supposed to accept it with joy, marveling at the wisdom of the insights into our character we’re receiving.
I’ll start the ball rolling with my personal favorite anti-nagging tactic: The Distraction Technique. Here’s how it works:
As soon as it looks like a good nagging session is getting underway, I’ll quickly think of an issue of great importance, such as the latest celebrity scandal, spring fashion, a problem with the kids or a relative, or our plans for the weekend. I’ll nod my head in agreement at whatever imperfection has been pointed out and then change the subject. Sometimes you have to keep at it, or hunt around for the right subject for a while, but I’ve found this technique to be about 90% effective, once your skills are finely honed.
A corollary technique is The Massage Technique, whereby you grab the lotion as you pretend to listen intently to today’s list of your imperfections and say “Honey, you’ve worked hard all day. Let me rub your feet.” Within about two minutes, the urge to nag has been overwhelmed by the pleasure of the foot rub, and you’re off the hook.
I have more tactics to share, but I’d like to hear from the group. In particular, I’d enjoy hearing from some of our female posters about the psychology of the nagging impulse, and what we can do to head it off (aside from that old canard “Just do everything right, and you won’t get nagged,” because that just isn’t happening. Most of us aren’t on par with old JC).