Anyone going to the march?

Hey Bassman, point taken. However, you must understand, anyone that cares enough about Taiwan to go to that name change march and post about it, is not going to take lightly someone talking trash about Taiwan in the very same thread.

I know there are going to be some strong opinions about this, but I was wondering why more people don’t openly support Taiwan’s name change. Besides the fact that I am married to a Taiwan lady and have bought a home and lived here for a long time already, I would still otherwise want to support Taiwan’s cause to be able to be called Taiwan.

People can rally for ending the trade embargo on Cuba, or for saving the whales, but why aren’t more foreign citzens or even those foreigners living in Taiwan for that matter not more openly supportive of Taiwan? I know why, for example the German government doesn’t stand up for Taiwan as they want to sell BMW’s, Mercedes and Siemens phones to the Commies and they are too afraid to stand up to the PRC, but why not it’s citizens? Do you think its because there still isn’t a concensus in Taiwan?

I understand completely. I don’t know that he was talking too much trash about Taiwan, it is afterall - BIG FLUFFY MATTHEW. Now, if it had been another poster I’d be clapping my hands and screaming “GO GET HIM TIGER!!”

I know there are going to be some strong opinions about this, but I was wondering why more people don’t openly support Taiwan’s name change. Besides the fact that I am married to a Taiwan lady and have bought a home and lived here for a long time already, I would still otherwise want to support Taiwan’s cause to be able to be called Taiwan.

People can rally for ending the trade embargo on Cuba, or for saving the whales, but why aren’t more foreign citzens or even those foreigners living in Taiwan for that matter not more openly supportive of Taiwan? I know why, for example the German government doesn’t stand up for Taiwan as they want to sell BMW’s, Mercedes and Siemens phones to the Commies and they are too afraid to stand up to the PRC, but why not it’s citizens? Do you think its because there still isn’t a concensus in Taiwan?[/quote]

The key problem is this…
Taiwan… where’s that? Oh… I know Bangkok right?

No one I know in NZ has the slightest idea where Taiwan is and for that matter even care. That is one reason why people don’t get behond Taiwan. Most foreigners living in Taiwan, in my opinion anyway, won’t give Taiwan a second thought after they leave. That is the problem.

It’s probably a question best left up to the people who own the street.

Taken with a camera phone? Wow! There are some pretty good photos there Schee. Much clearer than I expected to see from a camera cellphone. Thanks for posting them.

BTW, how long does it take to upload/transmit a photo from cellphone to internet?

It’s probably a question best left up to the people who own the street.[/quote]

Well, let’s see. If I own a house in the street, have a business in the street, have a son who was born in the “street” (so belongs to the street), shouldn’t I have a say about what goes on in that street. Perhaps I don’t have the right to rename the street but I probably have the right to have an opinion if someone should ask what I think.

We have to walk down that street so I’d like to not be standing in the poop.

It’s probably a question best left up to the people who own the street.[/quote]

Well, let’s see. If I own a house in the street, have a business in the street, have a son who was born in the “street” (so belongs to the street), shouldn’t I have a say about what goes on in that street. Perhaps I don’t have the right to rename the street but I probably have the right to have an opinion if someone should ask what I think.

We have to walk down that street so I’d like to not be standing in the poop.[/quote]

You have a right to say whatever you want, but not to decide the matter, that’s all. And if you want poop in the street, I’ll have you over for tea in my neighborhood some time.

And that’s why Hartzell has an issue with the citizenship thing in Taiwan.

Let’s even things up… Taiwan is a Country, ok. And we can become Taiwanese without giving up our original citizenships - hmmm…not yet huh. Let’s work on that too.

I was trying to suggest that changing the name will not solve all of Taiwan’s problems (blame ‘China’) Do you think changing the name of China Airlines with its safety record to Taiwan Airlines will help Taiwan ? Some parts of the internet refuse connections from Taiwanese domains because of all the spam and viruses, dalNet refuses all connections from Hinet with the message “hacked Chinese domain” because Hinet knowingly allows its users to spam and spread viruses. Should they change that to “hack Taiwanese domain” ? Or should they remove the block completely ? maybe ‘hotbed’ was too strong a word, I apologise. But Taiwan does has a bad reputation in those matters. Imagine how much better Taiwan will be treated if it acted like a responsible member of the international community. I want Taiwan to be treated better, why does that make me anti-Taiwanese ?

BFM, I don’t think anyone ever claimed that changing its name will solve all of Taiwan’s problems.

Also, I don’t think the analogy to changing the name of an airline or Web domain works. The issue of changing Taiwan’s name is intricately tied up to how many people here feel about their identity. To give one example, for many very old people, the name Republic of China is very negatively tied to the KMT takeover of Taiwan and the 2-28 incident. I talked to one such man some time ago, and he told me that the hardest part of living under the KMT was not being able to publicly talk about these things for decades, and that he felt that he was denied his identity as a Taiwanese. I doubt if he’d give a damn about the China Airlines name.

This is about giving Taiwan people some self respect and an end to the lie of the KMT opium pipe dream called the ROC.

This DalNet ban is not valid, I was in there recently. It is only temporary and caused by some guy that had a virus or something. Go to the EFNET it is larger anyway. A DalNet ban doesn’t mean crap. It is just some IRCOP’s knee jerk reaction. By the way, this could partly be caused because they are confusing Taiwan with China, hence the need for the name change!

By the way, give Taiwan some credit, it is not that bad here. Taiwan has one of the freest democracies and freest press in Asia. Have you lived in other countries in Asia before? You would have more to gripe about in those places, believe me.

I agree, Hobart, Taiwan has a lot to offer. I’m curious about the march. How many foreigners did you see participating (I don’t mean watching from the sidelines, but holding flags, etc.). Also, for how long? I headed down there to take pictures and the sun was blinding and the heat was terrific, especially at the periphery, where you had dozens (hundreds?) of buses idling.

Many of the suggestions for name rectification make perfect sense whether or not you want an independent ROT or continue the status quo of ROC on Taiwan.

Business names should be easiest to change since they don’t require any constitutional amendments. Just get the Board of Directors to agree, and then change the name. No big deal.

How many China xyz Companies are there?

China Steel, China Airlines, China Shipbuilding, China Trust, … what others?

Since most may want to do business in the PRC, if they are not yet already there, then just substituting Taiwan or Formosa in place of China would not be a very astute move. They would need to come up with something less political, more business like.

Any suggestions?

China Steel: since most plants are in the south, then how about calling it Gaoxiong Steel?

China Airlines: ??

China Trust: ??

Don’t forget the China Post. Now, what would they rename that?

cmon, cut the master of the obvious act, you’re killing me. the march was about the name of Taiwan. what if i told you your name was not matthew but fred, and you’d better like it. I bet that you wouldn’t like it and would have strong opinions about what your name actually is. that’s the situation taiwan is in. then what if I told you it didn’t matter because you were a fuzz-knuckled moron with bad breath and bo–for the sake of the argument :slight_smile:–well that’s what you did and it was not a constructive addition to this thread. these are two seperate issues. i suggest you start another thread, “why a roc by any other name would still smell like shit.” enjoy it.

cmon, cut the master of the obvious act, you’re killing me. the march was about the name of Taiwan. what if I told you your name was not matthew but fred, and you’d better like it. I bet that you wouldn’t like it and would have strong opinions about what your name actually is. that’s the situation Taiwan is in. then what if I told you it didn’t matter because you were a fuzz-knuckled moron with bad breath and bo–for the sake of the argument :slight_smile:–well that’s what you did and it was not a constructive addition to this thread. these are two separate issues. I suggest you start another thread, “why a roc by any other name would still smell like shit.” enjoy it.[/quote]

Yeah, take that fluffy boy! Actually, why don’t we bring it a little closer to home. Do you think that Boss Hogg changing his name to Bassman will solve all of his many, many problems? No way! But it makes him feel a bit better about himself, gives him the identity he wants, and it may lead him to normality some day. It could work for Taiwan, too.

Hey, Hakkasonic, baby. I think Bassman is a much more mellow dude, Bassman is me. Boss Hogg on the other hand was a character that could say anything he pleased and sometimes did just to get a rise out of other posters. Problems, I miss Hazzard, but I’ll get over it. Boss Hogg was created as an attack dog to defend the over sensitive Bassman. Now Bassman doesn’t need the attack dog. I am used to the forum now and have got used to using English again, perhaps you can’t tell from my posting though. I am off topic again, dag namit

Dalton gang has a point and I like the thread suggestion that he gave. Matthew, go for it.

You’re absolutely right, If you called me Fred Smith, I would be very offended :x… As was stated earlier, this isn’t my country, I don’t care what it’s called. But I do care about my rights here, and I don’t want to see it invaded, at least not when I’m here.

Me too, although I would worry about my in-laws.

Perhaps an invasion by Amazons wouldn’t be so bad, but if that Xena comes I’m outta here.