Anyone married to a mainland Chinese? Please read my concerns

Ah OK. You are the same person who replied to Marco. So you disagrees with loser because you were fine when you register for marriage, but in recent 3 years you feel threatened about publicly speaking politically. I got your point.

The difference is that China did it with foreign investment and stole a lot from investors. Japan just had good engineers that were able to replicate foreign technology and improved on it. Using their own money mostly.

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China’s enforcement is capricious, so no one knows the answer to your question. But there are many examples provided above which would make me very worried because the answer very well may be yes.

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I was living in Beijing in October 2004 when the law changed. There were many group weddings of people excited to get married under the new law. It was in the news everywhere. (The very very old Church of Saint Francis was a favorite spot, in front of which newlyweds would take photos. Why didn’t they take photos inside. Government locked the doors.)

I knew a white guy who wanted to marry a Chinese girl. Local Chinese magistrate (expected to know the law) said “Impossible. Illegal”. White guy schooled him that white can marry Chinese under Chinese law and the marriage then went ahead

I have 18 years in China Korea Japan. Winston is not some random guy so your rebuttal is not factual. Einstein visited China and his observations are also not from some random guy. Chinese don’t like Einstein’s observations. But that doesn’t change facts.

You must have reason to support your opinions.

What conclusion of Serpentza and LaoWhy do you dispute? That China is a scam society is a common theme they discuss. Others use the term “low trust”. One can get scammed anywhere sometimes but in China it is a constant danger all day long. Are they wrong?

Einstein mentioned many negatives but pointed out Chinese work ethic. This I agree with. If you leave Chinese society with Chinese work ethic, you gained a lot. To outwork a Mexican or Chinese is something to be proud of.

While I’m on vacation I am still more productive than many French :slight_smile:

The OP should write 3 essays and show them to prospective readers in his target audience(not us foreigners). Survey them formally or informally. Ask a government official

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I got married in Shanghai in the early 90s. All we had to do was go register the marriage at a government office. No problems at all.

Shanghai is the most international city in China. You picked a cool place to get married

Yeah, same thing for me in 2003. I’m not sure how common variances in local law are in China, so maybe loser was just in a part of Beijing with some a-holes in charge.

This Christian Science Monitor December 2004 article mentions permission to marry required by work boss under the law before 2004

The 2004 law resulted in quickie marriage and quickie divorce. Some people got married in an hour, including queue time. Some people got married in the morning and divorced in the afternoon

China has a new marriage law in 2020, unfortunately outlawing polygamy. But fortunately there’s always Indonesia which ignores its polygamy law. But Jack Reacher says “The one you pay for is the cheapest”

Er… like just saying someone’s extreme right wing?


Yet somehow people were getting married without it, like me. Perhaps it was a law on the books and not enforced in some (or many) places. But I learned long ago not to trust the media.

Um…huh? It’s bad to outlaw polygamy?

That may be as clear and simple as it gets.

Serpentza and Laowhy86 also carry a lot of illusionary made-up b*******. Just like when they started in China.

Started out as no one in China you know and then went from there.

They were okay years ago when they’re just guys walking the streets filming videos like here’s a nice coffee shop, here’s where you can buy an iphone or fake stuff, where they were clueless, then they went to another realm where they really have not much clue about.

They are not experienced, educated, skilled or trained in a lot of what they talk about. They have made fake references about themselves which are inaccurate.

And now their only objective is to get hits and make money on whatever they can come up with. But hey there’s a market for that out there.


When you paint one point whatever billion people with the same brush, how different are you from what you’re criticizing here?


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I hear you. Personally I have a soft spot for french. The age of reason etc

They didn’t do well with that…see the French Revolution. English Enlightenment worked out a bit a better…at least until we threw it away recently.

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British and Irish are slow learners. :smile:

Just to be clear, I didn’t use the word “extreme” I just said he was “right wing”. To be honest, I don’t even think he himself would deny this. In one of his videos he admits to being a fan of Sargon of Akkad. That should give you a pretty clear indication of where he sits on the political spectrum. If you were in any doubt.

I don’t get it. Someone gets disqualified for talking for being left or right wing? really? lol

Let me ask you something. What are your opinions on Taiwan being a country and not part of China, and China being a repressive (or not) regime.



See you in the Sardinian pms