Anyone want to join me in complaining to EZ Way about foreign names on Shopee etc.?

Yeah, I’m not risking the bad press I would get if I was discovered to be impersonating an indigenous person. :sweat_smile:

Done! Mentioned the EZWay and Shopee issues, though I wonder if they might have more pressing issues in this fight than ordering stuff from abroad on Shopee…

I think I have never had a problem using the EZway app using my real name lol

Were you able to verify your tribal name with the shopee ezway system?

Never tried it. lol

(If you can’t get it, then hit his… “Upper jaw”) Sorry, a few friends and I were talking about videos that wen viral last week and can’t help it LMAO

To those that don’t get it, there is such an informal designation as “upper jaw” in English, but not in Mandarin. The native gentleman below was telling the news that he got annoyed over someone filming him for half an hour, then he “caused his phone to fly” (instead of saying he threw it), and the other guy hit his upper jaw (TIL it’s called philtrum), but he couldn’t think of the word. Your chin is 下巴 which contains the word 下/ “down/lower”, so he presumably tried to think of the opposite of that with 上/“up/upper” and rolled with it… Meme’ing ensued for a while in Taiwan.

A follow up to this. I updated my EZWay profile in November – I forget the exact sequence of events and why I was bothering, but my previous gold card had expired early last year, then I got a new one with the new ARC number format, then I switched to an APRC. I think I just wanted to update things with EZWay and Shopee at a time when I was in no immediate rush to order anything from overseas, because I was expecting it to be frustrating and take ages. I was right – it was and it did.

The first thing I learned was that EZWay doesn’t have any way to edit/update the ID number, so the EZWay staff told me I had to create a new EZWay profile. This caused EZWay to cancel my old profile because of the creation of a new profile with the same phone number, which then caused Shopee to unlink my old EZWay profile from my Shopee account and force me to register again.

Twelve hours later, EZWay cancelled my new profile too, because I’d entered “安德魯” (An-De-Lu) in the Chinese name field again and that didn’t match the lack of a Chinese name on my APRC. I wrote to EZWay explaining why I’d done that and forwarded the e-mails from last time where they’d done it themselves as a workaround, but they didn’t seem willing to do the same again.

So I sent another rant to Shopee (which has now downgraded its service to not accept e-mails and requires customer service complaints to be sent via the app, by the way), saying it’s disappointing they still haven’t fixed this 18 months later, that foreigners (as well as indigenous Taiwanese) aren’t required to have Chinese names or use them on EZWay, and that I’ll be filing complaints with the MOI and Consumer Protection Committee if they don’t let me use my real name. Also cited Article 62 of the Immigration Act and Articles 1 and 4 of the Name Act (even though the latter is a bit dubious, because I think it’s mostly about household registration).

They responded pretty quickly (within 2 hours on a Sunday evening) asking for screenshots of my EZWay profile (which I’d already provided, but whatever), then said it would take another 20–30 days for them to manually update my details on Shopee.

I just checked, and they’ve now done that (only 18 days!), using my real name not the “安德魯” bullshit. So it is possible. Maybe useful if anyone else faces the same problem. Just don’t do it if you’re in a rush. :slightly_smiling_face:


Remind me what the original issue was with the website? Was it impossible to enter your English name in the first place due to technical constraints in the input field?

I hope they get that changed instead of making everybody go through the same process you did.

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That’s exactly right. The page where you enter your EZWay details only accepts Chinese names in the name field. The KYC bit for Shopee itself does accept non-Chinese names.

No idea why they decided it’s necessary to have this restriction on the frontend, since the backend field itself can obviously accommodate English characters and longer text strings when they update it manually. :man_shrugging:

(These are screenshots from 2022 because I can’t be bothered blurring out my name again on the more recent ones, but it’s the same error in the current version of the website/app.)

I hope so too. Presumably they haven’t received enough complaints yet.

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I just keep using my old APRC. And I do not order from abroad because shit with EZway.