Apple Daily: Gringos be stealing our women!

[quote=“webdoctors”]the problem with Carnegie’s is its frequented by old people…

no old xiojies for me plz…[/quote]

Old as in above 22???

I have seen and talked to several foxes in their mid 20’s there.

Also, very young women will get you in trouble with the law.

[quote=“Mr He”]
Also, very young women will get you in trouble with the law.[/quote]

In America and Cambodia. But here it just takes one MIGHTY slighted woman to get you in trouble with the law. :s

Oh well, don’t had out your phone no and you will be fine.

[quote=“Tomas”][quote=“shifty”]LET’S ALL WAIT FOR THE BLOW BACK ON THIS ONE!

Can anyone say beatings, racist remarks and over the top hatred of non natives for a few months.


Relax–local news media outlets post a report or two on “the bad foreigner of the month (BFOM)”…well, about once a month. This time it was foreigners in general, likely because no suitable candidate for BFOM appeared this time.

I think mom and dad at home are able to see this sort of thing for what it is, and from what I hear from many Taiwanese, plenty of local folks are as fed up with garbage in the media as you and I are.[/quote]

I wish it was true but in the last week I have been asked about the article 4 times, each was a thinly veiled hostile attack. The first three times I had no idea what they were talking about the last I told them to ask someone who gave a F$#@! cuz it was not me.
i still think there will be some real blow back on this one. I so hope I am wrong

The odd wanker that wants to rough up a big nose for all his perceived failings has always existed. Just ebbs and tides really.