APRC Change of Address

I have moved and need to update my address with NIA.

Is there anything I need to take with me except my proof of address. Can I use a recently received court document for that? I know I need to take my existing passport and existing APRC

Do I need to supply new photos or will they reuse the existing photo?


Anything official. Ihave used phone bills, nhi, traffic tickets etc. they were all government issued mail.

depending where you are and who you talk to, I have simply just told them and wrote it down a couple times. but that was a while ago and a remote area. either way, it is WAY easier for us foreigners to change our registered address than local Taiwanese that normally have the HR office come into your home and photograph key rooms, something that always runs me the wrong way.

just bring some recent mail, and all your ID.

remember the purpose is different for immigration compared to local taiwanese. local is a pain in the ass useless bureaucracy. Immigration wants to be able to track you, so they are more flexible in terms of collecting your data.

Thanks, I saw somewhere that it needed to be a lease agreement but I moved a while ago and I forgot to update my address as I thought the move might be temporary so I don’t want to get fined for not updating by the deadline. It’s great I can use the document sent to me by the court last week.

But do I need to get new photographs taken?

I understand I fill in the form selecting “CHANGE OF INFORMATION” but the same form is used for many purposes so it has a place to attach the photo but I don’t know if that is required just to change address.

I should be clear, I am going off experience, not actual legal requirements. Dont take my advice as legal advice. for example, I would assume places like taipei city and Taichung city (for example) are far more strict than some other places outside of city/trade hubs. but if you go in person, they are normally really concise and polite. ask them that you want to change address and what is the procedure. if you are worried, do so anonymously with a mask on and dont give out any information. taiwan isnt that harsh :slight_smile: They will happily tell you the procedure, or point you to the right spot. In my experiences, official styled mail sufficed. to be fair, I havent changed address, officially, in maybe a decade or so, I cant really remember the last time. They dont hound people too often unless there is an issue. Regardless of needing pictures or not, they will tell you. even show you where the nearest photo booth is, so if you dont have one and need one, it’s an extra 10~30 mins and 100 to go get one. It may be a bit slow and in person here, but in many ways that is desirable in comparison :slight_smile:

Legal requirements aren’t that high to change ARC/APRC address. Actual requirements vary depending on which doofus you speak to at NIA

Current APRC, passport and lease/rental contract are required. I just went to change my address a few days ago and this is what they asked for. Other proof of address may work, but it’s best to have the lease agreement with you.
And no, you don’t need to provide a photo.

Sorry to ask so many questions but if I just want to change my address, does anyone know if I will be forced to update to the new ID numbering scheme?



Yes. And your old ID number will be printed on the back of your APRC card.

They want a signed piece of paper from my landlord saying I live at the address. NIA gave me a templated letter but the landlord is reluctant to sign.

Is this a common issue, I know landlords can be wary about tax implications but what do we do if we have to have an address on our ID card but in such situation?

I personally just gave the rental contract.

But… I guess you could just stop paying the rent until they sign. Or suggest the tax office might hear something soon.

The immigration centre appears to not talk to the tax office.

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this has always been my option

I went to change my address today. It’s a super long journey from Tamsui to New Taipei City immigration center. They said come back after 10 business days to pick it up (I didn’t opt for mail in case it gets lost). What’s other people’s experiences with how long it takes? Seems like a super long wait for an address change, and I need to wait for the change before I can update bank addresses.

It will take exactly 10 business days :slight_smile: The whole process with bank updates etc will take a long time. Best advice I can give: Don’t move :rofl:


I tried to update my address at the bank with my rental contract and NIA receipt, and as expected they said they could only use the address on my foreigner residence card.

Looks like I’m perpetually making trips to update documents these days. Maybe need to close some bank accounts and credit cards.

You could have gone to the Taipei one at Xiaonanmen.

It’s easier.

The address change is instant, but they have to order a new card. I takes a bit until it is manufactured and mailed to NIA.

In Germany they used to just tape the new address on top of the old address on the German ID card. :grin:


They do the same in Taiwan with the driver’s license and vehicle registration (yeah, those also need to be changed…).

but they issue a new license when the ID number changes +fees :sideeye:

How do you say Chabuduo in German?