Are countries finally going to start pushing back against China?

ANd a bit of narcissism, but hey, we all family here. :runaway:

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Who else is looking forward to a couple decades long arms race? Hurray for human intelligence!

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The last one worked out relatively OK. Do you have your global peace goal set to ā€œPerfection?ā€

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Well, apparently you prefer brown people to starve, but not everybody shares your, um, special views.

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Does anyone call Chinese people brown?

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Nope. I have it set to ā€œstop fucking torturing people and causing untold pain and miseryā€. I am HOPING for simple sustainability and compassion, but even that seems too much to askā€¦

I find it very telling how people think not wanting war and unnecessary forced pain is now somehow in the same realm as a hippy pipe dream. Perhaps people of this sort need to start reflecing a bit more :wink:

We are talking actual torture, rape and murder. Not welfare checks and better health insuranceā€¦so, ya. Wtf?

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Iā€™m Iā€™d the opinion that war has dramatically changed in the past 100 years and the people of the world are far better off because of the change. Far less suffering, far fewer deaths. Nothing hippie about it. Thereā€™s still war, small ones. Thereā€™s still suffering. Natural and manmade. So, yeah.

Can you elaborate ā€” are you saying the motive to split Germany was for Trade?

No. Motive to split Germany was to keep it weak and in check. Thatcher famously opposed German reunification for this exact reason.

I know people hate her these days but she was spot on about it. Unified Germany has been the largest trade partner to almost every single European country pretty much every since German reunification and completely destroyed the power balance in Europe. Both Britain and France have been completely side-lined.

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And? They deserve every last Euro, they worked hard for it.

The problem with Nazi Germany and China is their aggression and genocidal behavior not being good at trade. Maybe some people have a problem with that as well but those people can go f themselves.

I never said Germany was in the wrong to reunify, but it did become the dominant power of Europe like Thatcher said. Britainā€™s policy was always about power balance on the continent and a reunified Germany made that impossible.

It did work. Pretty much all these countries are poor as shit and pose no threat to others

Generally, Pakistan and India are considered brown. I certainly didnā€™t mean to imply you donā€™t hate yellow and black people too.

I had no idea factual statements could be interpreted as ā€œI hate brown peopleā€, unless you are arguing that African countries and India/Pakistan are not poor and are a threat to the West like China is.

I generally agree- but itā€™s only been 75 years since the last biggie. Remember 1815-1914, the Long Peace, and that famous and widely read book of 1910, Norman Angellā€™s The Great Illusion

In The Great Illusion , Angellā€™s primary thesis was, in the words of historian James Joll, that ā€œthe economic cost of war was so great that no one could possibly hope to gain by starting a war the consequences of which would be so disastrous.ā€[4] For that reason, a general European war was very unlikely to start, and if it did, it would not last long.[5] He argued that war was economically and socially irrational[6] and that war between industrial countries was futile because conquest did not pay.

In 1910.

Was just rereading Homo Deus by Yuval Harari, and he opens with the wonderful prospects open to humanity, now we have conquered war, hunger- and disease. Written in 2016.

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That book was a bit too flashy in its expectations. There were lots of ideas for sci-fi flics though.

I see ā€œconqueredā€ WHD as ā€œcontained,ā€ not ā€œeliminated.ā€ We are humans after all.

He must be bored. What is his user name ?

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Biggus Dickus is taken.

My theory, which is mine, is that China is following ā€œguy at the end of the barā€ politics, except itā€™s ā€œguy in the back of the limoā€.
One day, Xi saw a bunch of Uighur teenagers and young men hanging around on a street corner in Beijing. It was a Tuesday, and he wondered why these gangbangers werenā€™t at work or in school. He decided to teach them a lesson, and if that meant throwing them in concentration camps to beat the Han into them, and using Islamic terrorism as an excuse, so be it.
Hong Kong- a rich liberal bunch of cosmopolitans who still were whining and complaining about their rights- well, Iā€™ll give them something to complain about.
Taiwan- we opened up our economy and embraced them as compatriots, and they still sneer at us as beaten-down hicks?
The rest of the world- Chinaā€™s economy is going gangbusters, and people are bitching about us? Screw 'em- who needs them?
Kids these days- theyā€™re all playing video games and wanting to be social media stars- in my day we worked, not like these spoiled slackers today. Time to straighten them out.

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I certainly dont disagree. However on a scale of 0~100 (100 being positive) i put us at about 20ish now. 100 years ago, 10 maybe, 1000 years ago a 2.

Not to disregard progress, but lets not get complacent and think our shit dont stink no moreā€¦

I think more complex than that, but a lot of what China is doing now, see the limit of kids using Tiktok, is pretty close to what you said. Its just a conservative Chinese old guy making policies. Iā€™m pretty certain the next one will be ā€œyoung people cannot make noise in public placesā€ or ā€œmust respect eldersā€.

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