Are most intercultural relationships in Taiwan doomed?

This totally messes up that baseball metaphor.

That’s because the baseball metaphor is usually used by horny teens that haven’t even had sex yet. :baseball:

The new Prince Valiant movie is looking good…

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For me, if you’re unable to get at least a peck on the first date, I don’t think it’s a match. Sometimes it does happen there is just no opening so maybe the 2nd date at the most.

Huh huh, huh huh–hey Beavis…

I don’t think there’s a universally good pace for the physical aspect of a relationship. It’s different for everyone. Some people just take a while to warm up, and others don’t.

Speaking for myself, if I don’t want to jump his bones on the first date, then it’s unlikely we’ll go on another. If the desire is there, then I am happy to wait patiently for my cue…

One of my best friends from HS and his wife did not have sex until they got married. They have one of the best relationships I’ve seen as a couple. And he’s a good looking guy, Captain of our school team so hoards of women have been trying to get with him. His wife is also smoking hot, looks like she belongs in SI swimsuit covers.

This is great but also pretty rare. It’s much more common for abstinent couples to realize only after they’ve gotten married that they are sexually incompatible, and they end up having to seek counseling. Some still work out in the end, but it can be a gamble.

I’ve also heard a couple stories about being surprised by a micropenis too late. :neutral_face:

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That sounds almost crazy. I mean, wouldn’t there be at least some kind of intimacy before? I mean before the main event/home run, that is (not kissing as the most intimate among the whole spectrum of possibilities as put forth above).

Some people are really serious about their chastity. And I mean, these guys in particular were probably intentionally hiding this little piece of info…


Damn, that’s cold…



Not all micropenisers are hiders, don’t be so judgemental! My gf showed me a video that was going around her office of some political guy openly getting blown in a wine bar. he had no shame about getting the micropenis out and on camera.

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I didn’t imply that. Actually, I really don’t think people should be shamed for having a little d. I wish everyone could be that comfortable with their bodies. Well…maybe not that comfortable.

But it’s equally messed up to hide that you have a micropenis until you’ve married someone.

I heard a story about that once. Whoever thought up this chastity until marriage shit didn’t really think it out.

If the size of the penis is an important thing for you, you should probably not wait until you get married to find out.


No kidding. Going into marriage without figuring out your sexual compatibility first is like going into marriage without discussing religious views or finances first.

Unless sex isn’t important to either party. For some people it doesn’t matter. But for most, it does.

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I agree. But…I don’t think anyone expects a micropenis, you know? They probably just want to respect a guy’s decision to remain chaste, and then…oh dear.

Or maybe they are also abstinent, and don’t realize it’s important until it’s too late.


Basically grounds for annulment…

…what’s the clinical definition, asking for a friend…:whistle:

I disagree. I would say 90% of sexual compatibility is about each party willing to work with the other person. It’s highly doubtful you’ll find someone who is just a perfect match for you. The rest is something you can both work on.

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