Are there brothels in Taipei?

That’s about half the price of a beer in Taiwan in any ordinary bar. As you’ve probably discovered, Taiwan is crazy expensive for pretty much anything these days.

26 posts were split to a new topic: Brothel-related chat

The baht and NT are about the same (0.88/1.00). I can find plenty of ordinary bars in Taiwan where beers are sold for far under 300 NT. Heck, I can get a big Taiwan beer bottle for NT 150 in heaps of places.

I was pleasantly surprised the other day to get a beer for 150. The usual price seems to be in the 200-250 range in a “proper” bar. But maybe that’s just Taipei prices.

Barely any Pad Thai, too. Sometimes I think the travel agent sent me to the wrong country :pray:


Taiwan and Forumosa aren’t really sexpat/tourism oriented. Sorry.

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And where are the naked pole dancing girls?

There’s not that much nudity in Bangkok bars anymore.

Really? During the U.S.-Vietnam War, Taipei and Bangkok were roughly equal in terms of sex tourism.

Funny I felt like me and the wife were still getting some dirty looks from the old-timers in Beitou hot spring hotel zone the other day. I’ll need to make more observations to confirm it though.

Do you really not understand the difference between “aren’t” and “have never been”?

Having been to both Bangkok and Taipei during this century, I can assure you they are quite different.


I, personally, was shocked to discover that Bangkok doesn’t have a winter.


I think you are the naïve one. Huge internal market in both, and one where tourists regularly score.

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I didn’t say you were naive. Anyways, if you know where all the gogo bars are in Taipei, the Soi Cowboy equivalent, please let @jibbydoo know the good spots.

I didn’t say otherwise, I was very specific about sexpats and sex tourists, as in people who come from outside. If you have anything to back up your strange assertion besides accusations of naivete and magazine stories older than I am, please share that instead.


Couples, same race, mixed race, same gender, mixed-gender, fill in the blank, have been going there daily for a hundred years or more so… just looking.

Don’t be too self-conscious, they might have been thinking the same thing of you.

And they’re also noticing more foreigners are back in town since covid has eased.

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In the private KTV rooms. Dance pole not required.

Equal is a stretch. Happening in Taipei but not near equal.

As documented, and verified by old timers, who knew both places well.

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Yep, I’m not really, but there were a couple of weird ones on this occasion.

Yeah, but $$$$$$$$$! In Taiwan!

You mean Forumosa is for whoring?