Are you a liar?

We don’t use the C word on Forumosa.

Is this the food forum?

Food for thought.

Stop lying

Do you expect him to sleep standing up?

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No, i saw him once and no cone head

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I’ve never seen this movie, but that thumbnail shows two liers! :laughing:

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Can’t help it! I’m not a cow.

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Either you are uncultured, or a lier

I’ve seen commercials for this movie. But I’ve never seen the movie.

Isnt that what a lie is? Intent to decieve. And/or spreading info with the knowledge that the information you are spreading is incorrect. A lie.

I always thought a lie was literally just that. Spreading informaion, in any format, that is knowingly untrue in the context of being literal or factual.

Fiction books spreading untrue information with the intent of known entertainment. But it is clarified from the get go. Not lies. If one spoke of the hobbit in history class as an actual fact, lies. If they believed it…not a liar, but perhaps ignorant or mentally unwell?


That song is awesome!

Thus i am a liar. As i have intentionally lied. However i lied sarcastically for shits and grins. Thus there are 2 thoughts .

I am joking, not a liar.


I told a lie because i hate the song and called it awesome because someone, somewhere, might actually think that song is good and totally blind to my sarcasm.

How would one know? Get into interpretations sometimes, which are very much subjective. This happens a lot here and elsewhere, people are way to uptight and serious and jump to attack mode on a forum. Its kind of funny. Life is too short…

The OP about rain. It rained a lot yesterday is very subjective. To a princess 1 drop is a lot. To a bornean farmer a monsoon is a lot. As long as it rained at all yesterday it is not a lie because the a lot is a personal opinion with no global standard to dictate what a lot means. If one said it rained cats and dogs yesterday. A clear lie if told so as literal fact. But a socially accepted exaggeration that nulls the lie into a un way to speak. I think a great number of online chatting isnt taken lightly enough and everyone jumps down each others throats too quickly. Aww fukk, everyone is a lie! I am aliar now! But also a fun exaggeration. Same shit different smell kinda deal.

If posters cooled down a bit and took it all in with a pinch of salt and fun ,conversations could get along better :slight_smile:

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Exactly, that’s what I think too.

If you say that someone told a lie, it means you know they had the intent to deceive.

If you don’t know that, point out they said something wrong, false, mistaken or the like, but not a lie.


Why did A jump to the conclusion they were being called a liar unless something else was going on? I would have said “hahaha, oops wrong day!” People accidentally lie all the time.

Can you accidentally intend to deceive others?


From the original context it doesn’t look like the purpose was intended to deceive others. If it didn’t rain at all that week then they are definitely a liar. It just sounds like they confused days lol.

Everybody lies.

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Stop lying.


The original post here says B says “this is a lie”. An opinion about the point. Not talking about any specific person being a liar. In court he is not quilty. This is simple. C. Is misreading and being dumb/emotional in trying to pick that fight…B could stand to be more intelligent/respectful in not appearing to troll. At best.

In the same way, C would need to prove intent for B as B would need need to prove intent for A.

To be honest, i am confused why this is confusing. B disagrees and that is that persons way of saying “bullshit”. It would be easier to say thats bullshit . Or, that is not true. But b has not insulted a person, rather a point. That cannot be sued until points gain rights.


Yes, by accidently intending to decieve the wrong person lol.