As a foreigner, have you ever been told to learn the culture by a local?

I plan to apply for Canadian PR next year.

The correct response is, “Taiwan has culture?” Then look him in the eye and spit binlang juice on his shoes.


The worst experiences with racism I’ve had were in Germany

i just asked him if I ever refused to speak Chinese. He just stared at me like an idiot. I didn’t say anything else.

What country are you from?

There you go. The guy’s an idiot. Brush yourself off and don’t let him dull your shine.

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I thought it would be the last time that i would hear harassing comments. I was labelled a fake American at my last job. I’m glad people haven’t made harassing comments towards me at my current job.

That’s terrible. I can see why it would get to you.

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The guy who made that comment was my former manager. I’ll have to get a letter of employment from him, otherwise i wont have any proof of employment when I apply for PR. He will probably ignore my request.

I think it’s harder to be a foreigner in a country of birth than a foreigner in a completely foreign country.

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There is a lot to unpack in that statement. :joy:

I’m american. Half Mexican (by ethnicity I’m not fluent in Spanish because my mom didn’t want her kids to get bullied for speaking Spanish) but in Europe people assume I’m middle eastern

I see

By the way I got bullied for being half Mexican even without Spanish lmao

Mexican culture ain’t nothin’ to be ashamed of!

To remind yourself why, treat yourself to a meal (or three) at Fonda on Roosevelt Road not far from CKS Memorial Hall MRT Station. Love that place!



can you tell you exprience working at taiwan because i have same experience i born at taiwan and I went to Indonesia when I was 3 years old and just comeback here 22 year old i already finish my military service and i speak zero mandarin but i can speak taiyu little bit so i have no problem at military service but i scare when work i cant adapt do you have advice?,sorry for my bad english


if possible, try to get transferred to another country after working here for a few years. The work environment here is really bad. Many bosses think they have the right to yell at their subordinates. Unpaid overtime is the norm here.

It’s not as bad as being labelled a real American.


As an, yuk, American living in Taiwan since before we foreigners had basic civil rights*, I say, yeah learn the culture.

  • Yeah, my kid was among the first group of children of foreign fathers to be granted automatic citizenship. Before that, your kid turned 18 regardless of the nationality of the mother, they had to hit the road or get an ARC job. We changed that with the help of the Taiwanese people.

My goal was to achieve civil rights in work and commerce but not change the culture.
After many administrative appeals and legal battles we got a pretty good equity package including workers rights.
I represent those who out in hard time of give years or more and people who Mary into Taiwan.
Anyway, yes, learn about Taiwan culture. Choose, rural culture. Don’t complain about the noisy temple activities, join them.
Taiwanese are very friendly and It’s easy to go native and be accepted among the small group you choose for everyday life.
It’s far from perfect but understand where the people are coming from.
Oh… If your boss is a “twat” as some posters said, they are not treating you specifically. When you learn the language or earn some eyes and ears on the culture through friendships, you will see that they are twatty to everyone. Foreigners actually have it easy. Compare your pay and amount of unpaid work you do to that of your Chinese co-teacher.
There are a number of great books about foreigners getting broken into Taiwan.
There are a lot of great movies about Taiwan.
Taiwan is the only country I know that got refrigerators and TVs before the indoor toilet. Real Jed Clampet …
First book suggestion: Dos and Don’ts of Taiwan.
First Movie Suggestion: Zone Pro Site (I saw a lot of my family’s culture in that one)
And this is my first and second video music video suggestion. I’m so greatful that my kids grew up in this environment compared to what was in the states.
If I’m not dog piled off, I will share a more extensive movie and book list…

And when I first came to Taiwan to the small port town of Keelung, this drinking song was all the rage. I learned how to toast in Taiwanese and survive the Taiwanese Drinking game which basically visiting friends at outdoor tables, barbeques and wedding, raising your plastic cup and saying 王先生,乾杯。
Secret, cover your cup with your fingers to conceal how much you actually drank.
They’re probably being polite to me but a few times I got accused of drinking too much when I only had about two cups.


Yeah, cuz aren’t you like 6’9" and look like you come from the Fight Club? :slight_smile:


I’ve never had a Chinese co-teacher. They’ve all been Taiwanese. And boo-hoo-hoo. Cry me a river. They live with their parents: no rent to pay. They live with their parents: no food to buy. Don’t have a job? No worries. They live with their parents. Laundry gets done.
Massive family network. Never going to be out on the street unless they really fuck up.
Foreigners have it easy? Stop making silly jokes.