As a foreigner, have you ever been told to learn the culture by a local?

I may not have been told to learn the culture but I’ve been told to get used to Taiwan because it isn’t America. That means I shouldn’t expect a time and a half if I work more than 40 hours a week, or paid time off… or even bosses who treats me with respect.

I have decided to apply for Canadian permanent residency next year. I have decided not to stay here for good.

They are confused b/c they are unwilling to accept that people have different backgrounds. I think that some people are just unwilling accept the fact that people have different backgrounds. At my current workplace, I do not encounter judgmental and insulting commments.

In Taiwan they do not care about background. You conform or else, they will find someone else who can conform if you are unable to.

I just try my best to adapt to life in Taiwan. If I am not the same as everyone else, then I am sorry if that is an inconvenience.

Yes, my first job found a subpar employee to replace me, and the dept. is now suffering from many problems. :sweat_smile:

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Having different backgrounds isn’t really a thing here for most people. I’m a foreigner and even then they assume I am doing the same things as them. They literally ask why I don’t have the ID card.

  1. lack of critical thinking
  2. They are unwilling to understand the situation and instead take everything at face value.

At the rate it’s going they’re going to have to deal with that. We need immigration or the population will disappear.

But it explains why southeast Asians are treated badly. Different background in their mind is sub human. Everyone has the same background in their mind.


That is not a reason to dislike people who are different.

If a person comes from a different background and one keeps wondering why he/she does things differently sometimes, then that person is not understanding b/c he/she has chosen to ignore the reality.

Not always a lack of critical thinking. It’s just still super rare here. People in western countries also have difficulties understanding things they aren’t used to.

Is it really that difficult to understand that if one is a foreign national, his/her documents will be different from those of a citizen?

u get it?

Do not have enough points to apply yet