Asian American communities stand up amid string of violent attacks

They press won’t stop reporting on how racist the virus is, despite how ridiculous the point is.


You mean the white supremacy angle? OysterOmelet assured me this is all about the white devils.

Not really, except of course by those who are committing it and refusing to recognize it. See above.

Ah, got it, it’s all about housing and education, not about violent thugs who refuse to learn anything in school and who drop out to deal drugs on street corners and rob and beat and maybe kill anyone they want to.

Like that’s gonna ever happen. It’s the only thing they’ve got – justify sexual assaults because the “real victim” pretends to be a genderfluid pansexual badgerkin who was queershamed by peers and lashed out against the oppressive cis hetero white patriarchal dominant culture. Power to the people!

When did your indoctrination in school end? Things are dramatically different than 10 years ago.

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The only institutional racism in America is against Asian, Jews, and white people, and that racism exacerbates the problems you enumerate.

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Let’s not forget the “White people invented slavery”, “the War for Independence was fraught to promote white supremacy”, “hard work, being on time, delayed gratification, et al are symptoms of whiteness”, and “poor people are just as smart as white people” forms of racism.

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Hey…hey…hey easy there.

I can only speak for what I saw in Dallas in June/July. Everything was fairly normal. We rented an AirBnb in North Dallas/Addison area and it was really fun to stay there. The group was a younger crowd from various ethnicities. They had a swimming pool in the center with BBQ grills and we’d always see the same groups come out. All the neighborhood kids were having a great time playing. People were friendly.

I can definitely feel a difference from when I lived there before. I’m not comfortable walking around at night and there is a shortage of workers so buying something can be a stupid experience.

My daughter lives in the area and she says the building is mid-range about $1200/month.

One of my Taiwanese friends visited Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle before joining us in Dallas. She said it was shit and needles, and downright scary. She preferred Texas over California for the quality of living and safety.

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That should be the new California state motto. :slightly_smiling_face:


Actually this one IS the fault of white people.

  1. As a result of superior genetics, white people can drink milk long after many non-whites would shit themselves to death or asphyxiate everyone in smelling distance from gas production.
  2. Because of their ability to tolerate lactose, white people invented the milkshake.
  3. If not for the invention of the milkshake, these blacks would not have been able to dump them all over the Asian students.
  4. Therefore, this is all the fault of white supremacy.


Damn white people and their . . . shuffles cards . . . lactose tolerance!


Sounds like you’d be a good candidate for study at the university where the following master’s thesis was submitted. :slightly_smiling_face:

How about “Shit and needles and shit”?
Cos California has, like, all sorts of shit? Not just shit? And needles? You know?

Do we still have classic post nominations? :bowing:

Well, I think its good. See the news posted above yesterday anti Asian is cities, terrible things in Chicago, and other big east cities in USA, seems small town not so bad, and as noted cities in Texas seem better.

Good to hear, I do hear many good things about Texas. Many Taiwanese also in Houston it seems, I have friend there she just wish the direct flight to Texas (Houson) will be back soon. Thanks

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A post was split to a new topic: Inappropriate comment

So does that mean related to this topic? If those cities vote this political party in Chicago, Philly, Washington DC there will less Anti Asian actions? (I do not know what group is in charge of those cities?)

I think without you taking it out of context, it was pretty clear I wasn’t talking about the the virus itself being more virulent or lethal on any groups of people, but rather the pandemic’s social and economical impact is more serious for certain groups of people. Although, discrimination can also have an impact on the kind of attention and treatment someone gets after they got COVID.

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It used to be much simpler when we just used the term ‘poor people’. Probably also more effective when we tried to help poor people as a group, rather than certain subsets of poor people.


If every poor person faces the same kind of discrimination, then sure.

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