Ask Namahottie!

Which season? 10 can be seen on Season 11 comes out here 9.3 CWTV

Dear Namahottie,

Do real men wax their chests and oil their nipples?

It sounds a bit girly to me.

I’m almost finished watching Lost.
For your money, who’s the hottest dude on the show and why?

Can we still ask questions?

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You can ask. She can ignore.


Maybe something changed in the past 11 years…

Are you being ageist and suggesting that Namahottie is no longer a hottie? Or are you you being trans-woke and suggesting that she is now a he? Something else?

Don’t think too much.

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What a waste of a good chance to ask a meaningful question…

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That was a very meaningful one!

But by posting it, you answered your own question in the affirmative.


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Just a joke about RickRoll’s ambiguous post. Take his advice and don’t think about it too much :).


我 常常太多了 :smirk::smirk:

I worry that you are going to - at some point in the near future - change your profile pic and slogan

How can I cope?

Or is there anything I can do to encourage you to keep it like that long term?:smiley:

Dear geajvop,


I have one question for you, dear @anon38216271:
Italy or Ireland?

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or both!

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Try this tactic when gambling and observe what happens to your bankroll. It won’t be pretty. Same will apply to many decisions in life.

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