Asking your GF to be tested without making it an ultimatum

Jive Turkey is right.

Some years ago, I asked my doctor back in Canada whether I should be having annual physicals. He said that unless he knew what he was looking for he would miss it, so having one just for the sake of having one was a complete waste of time.


Actually she sees a doctor semi often because of her anemic condition…so I guess there isnt much to worry about. I think I will just play it by ear and mention it every so often and perhaps she will take a couple extra tests. Thanks[/quote]

By ear? :astonished: :astonished: Do you have Kleinfelters syndrome?

Respectfully - I disagree.
It is of immense help to have a yearly baseline of one’s physical condition.
This is particularly helpful in matter of skeletal injuries and deterioration.
Damage which can and does occur to bones, joints and connective tissue can occur in a sudden accidental manner. Or it can occur in a slow barely perceptible manner thru simple aging od repetitive movements/assaults. A history of the body can be extremely helpful in diagnsing problems which may now exist or which may be in the begining or mid-stages of occurence.
Through recognition and corrective measure many debilitating conditions can be recognized and avoided.
I speak from personal experience.

You shouldn’t discuss your girlfriend so much on this site. She’ll be pissed (off) when she finds out that you’ve been talking to a bunch of strangers about her relationship with you and the possibility of her having STDs. The foreign community here is small, and as such you’ll be running into forumosans all the time. Careful.


With this crowd… I doubt that the joke will ever get old.

You will forever be the duckboy.

Once again, TMI about your girlfriend.[/quote]

really? I’m not talking smack or anything. Just asking for some ideas. :blush:[/quote]
You’re not talking smack, but this is nearly as bad. You do realize that every time you mention your relationship here, we just add it up to the list of things that we already know about you two, right?

Surely you realize that your whole story is like a little Forumosa soap and nothing you bring up will go unnoticed.

So, even if you say “I just want her to have a check up.” what people will leave with is “Hmmm. I wonder if she’s got an STD?” and imagine one of us ever meeting her.

Just stop doing it, FFS!

You will forever be the duckboy.[/quote]

Does he get to wear yellow tights?

Once again, TMI about your girlfriend.[/quote]

really? I’m not talking smack or anything. Just asking for some ideas. :blush:[/quote]
You’re not talking smack, but this is nearly as bad. You do realize that every time you mention your relationship here, we just add it up to the list of things that we already know about you two, right?

Surely you realize that your whole story is like a little Forumosa soap and nothing you bring up will go unnoticed.

So, even if you say “I just want her to have a check up.” what people will leave with is “Hmmm. I wonder if she’s got an STD?” and imagine one of us ever meeting her.
Just stop doing it, FFS![/quote]

Perhaps all of you that judge so quickly should stop being so damned judgemental. Take my posts as what they are, requests for insight, advice, and friendship. I say: “I would like her to join me to get a medical exam” and a lot of you jump to the conclusion of STD’s…and then I am to blame for everyone’s eagerness to jump all over me? :noway:

If the forumosa crowed is one that judges, criticizes, and jumps to conclusions…then perhaps it would be wise for me to shut up. Sorry I ever turned to some of you for help…wont make that misatke again. :unamused: I really was excited when I came accross Forumosa : I perceived an opportunity to get some positive insight into Taiwanese life, perhaps make a few friends, and drop my concerns for some thoughtful and sincere advice…boy was I wrong

Let her know that having regular pap exams are very important because they can detect problems that are not visible. Every woman who is menstrual should, especially sexually active should be getting yearly pap exams because they help detect changes to the cervix. Age doesn’t make a difference when it comes to this. For example, she could be a carrier of HPV a virus that causes gential warts. Many times the warts are not visible on the skin but they are on the cervix. Should this go untreated it can lead to cervical cancer, which can be an aggressive form of cancer.

Also pap/cervical exams help detect any abnomalities with her menstrual cycle. Assuming that hers is affected by her anemia, it could be she has fibrods.

But I’m not a trained professional. Just a slight health nut when it comes to women’s health.

I understand in taiwan, wishing for good health is a sign of love. Let her know that her health is top priority for you. That good health comes from maintaining the body before the damage is done.

Best of luck


[quote=“Namahottie”]Let her know that having regular pap exams are very important because they can detect problems that are not visible. Every woman who is menstrual should, especially sexually active should be getting yearly pap exams because they help detect changes to the cervix. Age doesn’t make a difference when it comes to this. For example, she could be a carrier of HPV a virus that causes gential warts. Many times the warts are not visible on the skin but they are on the cervix. Should this go untreated it can lead to cervical cancer, which can be an aggressive form of cancer.

Also pap/cervical exams help detect any abnomalities with her menstrual cycle. Assuming that hers is affected by her anemia, it could be she has fibrods.

But I’m not a trained professional. Just a slight health nut when it comes to women’s health.

I understand in taiwan, wishing for good health is a sign of love. Let her know that her health is top priority for you. That good health comes from maintaining the body before the damage is done.

Best of luck


Thank you Namahottie. It’s nice to see some of you can see my request as not a public invasion of privacy for my girlfriend, but rather a simple discussion about relationships and how to care for someone you love. again…Thank you

Thank you Namahottie. It’s nice to see some of you can see my request as not a public invasion of privacy for my girlfriend, but rather a simple discussion about relationships and how to care for someone you love. again…Thank you[/quote]

You are welcome, as this is very important, especially in this day and age of AIDS. You just have to be preventive because your health is really the only thing you own/have control over. Tell her that. If she doesn’t have good health then she can’t live life to the fullest. Now that I know she will get because I often hear my Chinese co workers talk about that… Good luck mate

Hep C is a bigger danger which goes untested. Test for this one.`

Also Tuberculosis. As for the standard of medical checkups here, one of my friends went to get a checkup thru feeling fatigued and ill everyday.

The doctor shushed it away as being Menopause cause of the lovely lady bein that age.

She died of lung cancer last month.

Dear dear derek. It doesn’t matter if we’re judgemental or not. It’s not about my opinion of you and your girlfriend.

I’m just trying to warn you and say that I don’t know any woman who wouldn’t take it against her bf if she found out he was posting all this here.

There are other ways of going about it and your way is just way, WAY too personal.

But that’s just my opinion. And the only reason why I keep warning you is because I think you’re naive but mean well and you need some warning. You don’t see me going around warning anyone else do you? No.

You go ahead and do as you please, of course.

Dear dear derek. It doesn’t matter if we’re judgemental or not. It’s not about my opinion of you and your girlfriend.

I’m just trying to warn you and say that I don’t know any woman who wouldn’t take it against her bf if she found out he was posting all this here.

There are other ways of going about it and your way is just way, WAY too personal.

But that’s just my opinion. And the only reason why I keep warning you is because I think you’re naive but mean well and you need some warning. You don’t see me going around warning anyone else do you? No.

You go ahead and do as you please, of course.[/quote]

I appreciate your concerns and i will take your thoughts as friendship. Thanks.

When Gcat and I first started dating, I had an extra head. I didn’t want to say anything about it because, well, I was really embarrassed and thought she might leave me if she found out - I used to hide the head under a big jacket, or, when we went swimming together, a beach towell. Anyway, I had to tell her eventually and when I did, she was totally pissed-off with me and we nearly broke-up over it. She said it was a question of trust, and she would love me regardless of the extra head. We got married soon after, and I had the extra head surgically removed. I don’t miss it a bit.

There’s a moral here derek. I’m not sure what exactly, but work with me.

Hi Derek doen’t take it so seriously.

My missus likes to give me a complete medical. Her uncle who lives down the road is a surgeon / doctor.

But being a good Kraut I dress up in my SS uniform. She then dresses up as Poland before I invade her everynight. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

You see it’s personal but not too much for these bored forumosans who are looking for something more. Don’t forget Forumosa is Taiwans Comedy Central outlet

Understand your concerns. However there is a way to get around not knowing someone’s status for a bevy of STDs.

I was sitting in a bar in Bali one night with a prospective love interest givng me the eye. I was up for it, but concerned at the prospects of copping an STD (these were pre-Aids days). I expressed my concern to a chap I was drinking with, he happened to be an ex-foreign legion Frenchman and at that time a mercenary. His adviice was simple but flawless.

You smoke a ciggeratte, drawing very hard and puffing frequently. When you finish, you rub the but into your fingers. Before dipping your wick, you feel around the lass’s genitals paying careful attention to any hint of pain. The nicotine stings on contact with exposed lesions. It’s simple but effective. Probably not that good for Aids though.

Good luck.


I see a big red flag. Certainly your well-being is more important than if your girlfriend loses face or not. Keep looking after number one.

[quote=“Huang Guang Chen”]Understand your concerns. However there is a way to get around not knowing someone’s status for a bevy of STDs.

I was sitting in a bar in Bali one night with a prospective love interest givng me the eye. I was up for it, but concerned at the prospects of copping an STD (these were pre-Aids days). I expressed my concern to a chap I was drinking with, he happened to be an ex-foreign legion Frenchman and at that time a mercenary. His adviice was simple but flawless.

You smoke a ciggeratte, drawing very hard and puffing frequently. When you finish, you rub the but into your fingers. Before dipping your wick, you feel around the lass’s genitals paying careful attention to any hint of pain. The nicotine stings on contact with exposed lesions. It’s simple but effective. Probably not that good for Aids though.

Good luck.


Now this is TMI, and irresponsible to post. Funny to share if we were talking about travel stories and people we’ve met. IMO But this doesn’t add to aiding someone in having a healthy relationship.
I don’t see how derek’s post about finding a tackful way to approach discussing sexual health concerns is anymore TMI than ,I think, Dragonbones’ post about his GF’s menstrual cycle. That was TMI but I guess it’s all subjective, eh?

Chronic smokers would probably enjoy the tobacco flavoring.