At this rate, soon boys will be wearing skirts to school

My friends children when to a school in Edinburgh where the Boys dress uniform included a Kilt. You wouldn’t want to wear it in summer, not with the accompanying Kilt hose, all made out of thick wool.

The shock value was null. I thought I would get a few sideways glances or a whistle or comments from a guy or two, but nada.

New Yawk

Wheesht! Why is anyone talking about kilts in a thread about skirts?!?!

Because it’s about boys school uniform

Someone post the Angus Young pic already…

Aye, but equating kilt to skirt is a surefire way to offend a Scotsman’s sensibilities as they are not one and the same, we don’t wear lassies clothing!

I see no problem with this if it’s a high school. They’re at the age when they can make that kind of choice.

I might have a problem if it was an elementary school. I’m not sure why. Maybe it’s because kids are more susceptible to influence at that age.

“Fashion” can be pretty wild these days. I’ve seen men wear them that were straight that wear it as fashion. Not a school skirt but nevertheless, a skirt.


I don’t think that’s what they’re necessarily trying to do. But did they specifically say they were changing the rules based on trans issues ?

You’re born naked and the rest is drag.

Personally I think skirts are kind of annoying, especially on a windy day.

I do. If the girls in their school are allowed to wear whatever TF they want to wear, why can’t the boys wear whatever TF they damn well want? It only seems fair.

Nothing to do with who they want to bang. And tbh it’s on you not them if you question whether they are comfortable being straight and male while wearing skirts (looking at you @tempogain). At least in most places I’ve been – Bieber/Jaden Smith type younger boys wear skirts all the time while mackin’ on girls.

Not like the skirts in the original post are 6 inches up their knees and making all the kids moon each other. Clothes sometimes are just clothes.


Yeah, I’m not disagreeing people can choose what they want to wear and it doesn’t necessarily have to do gender and sexual identity. I don’t know if allowing fashion choices was what they had in mind, but maybe I’m wrong.

It was a sarcastic reference to the “slippery slope” concept.

I’m all for freedom of choice, but I also would assume, in this day and age, a boy wearing a skirt to school in an area not particularly known for sarongs/kilts etc. would probably not be doing it for fashion, not that I pay much attention to human fashions though. :idunno:

(ETA: I mean freedom of sartorial choice. I won’t touch the abortion debate with a fifty foot tentacle.)

I saw Matt Lucas in a pub last night.

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I didn’t say anything like that. No clue where that is coming from.

From what I know of Taiwan, I think it would be an issue mostly of interest to transgender people. My :2cents:

The main problem with men wearing skirts is that it looks ugly. It’s fashion alright; bad fashion.

Wear shorts.


Imo, it does look terrible on men. I’ve never seen it done and thought at least it looks cool but maybe just not for me. It just looks bad and stupid.

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In high school a bunch of friends came over to my house. They thought it would be terribly funny to raid my closet. The next day at school there were about 8 guys all wearing my (mostly) ankle-length skirts. I’m sure the administration wondered what was going on. Still pretty funny. Only one guy didn’t give it back. He fancied wearing it to school on multiple occasions.


A Kilt is a skirt, but a skirt isn’t a Kilt, any Scotish person can tell you that.

Your more likely to get a Glasgow kiss for making fun of the accent.

Don’t do it if your out drinking around the salt market.

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In the way olden times, men wore skirts and women pants. It was a recent development to use these clothes the other way around.

Same with blue and pink. Pink was a boy market.

Regarding increasing temperatures, I do support the idea of having boys wear skirts so their nether regions remain cool. In Taiwan, there is already a bit of a problem with fertility and anything that gives the swimmers an edge for reproductive purposes should be encouraged.

Actually, I believe this is a great opportunity for fashion and marketing. Pleats are hard to wear. Like corduroy, they really do not work. How about we start with male palazzos?

Speak for yourself.

On you maybe, sure.

You’re proposing it to be in a forum for a certain group of people. Everyone wears clothes. I hardly think transgender people are the only group of folks who have exclusivity on freedom of expression.


That said,

Ok :+1: