Awesome Things About Living in Taiwan

Applies to the whole Taiwan. Even in Taipei and New Taipei City there are many driving to and from work. Many who are sales people, consultants, etc for example, who need to drive to various functions and job sites, customers etc regularly.

And families with or without kids who do the car thing on weekends. Lots of outlying areas which are developing nicely and have nice sites, restaurants, shopping, activities etc that require car.

Common here to drive to “home town” to visit the families. Need car

Parking is not as bad as people think. Loads of paid parking spots around. Many apartments now have decent parking for tenants and owners in basements. Lots of companies have parking for 2-3k per month off pay slip.

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6 shelves of trappist monk shit and lagers. I can see the neighboring shelves aren’t any better. Not very imaginative.

Belgium beers are awesome!

you have to pay for parking while at work?! sounds harsh.

Although i’ve noticed more and more jobs in the UK also listing ‘free parking’ as a company benefit. Even if its on an industrial site in the middle of nowhere.


I was impressed with the beer selection in Taiwan after 10 years of not being there (in March 2019).

I would definitely prefer Kavalan’s photo’s selection to the overly pretentious, hop-laden, over-priced, hipster beers that have flooded the market here in Canada.


Cheap cigarettes. (or they were when I was there).

Mmmmmm hops.

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I agree. It can get tiring really fast not speaking to someone in a shared native language. Plus communication musuderstandings can break those “friendships” really fast. There are enough differences between let’s say British and American humor to cause unintended insults let alone between different languages. Although Benny Hill and Mr Bean seem to bridge all cultural barriers :rofl:

I was walking down the street tonight, and a screw fell off of my spectacles, rendering me partially blind. Fortuitously, I was nearby an optometrist, rendering me extremely lucky.
My glassed re-attached to my head, I inquired after the cost.
“Screws are free, Sir” the bloke replied.
Now, if only prostitutes were as forthcoming in their generosity.


You’ve never gotten a freebie from a prostitute? :astonished:

Aren’t the crabs free?


There’s more to your Pattanya story?

No. My trip to Pattaya was completely celibate. :grin:

Free isn’t exactly the word I’d use. They don’t go away on their own.

Belgian! Please. Belgium is the country, the beers are Belgian.

You tell him, Belgium Pie!


I thought the country was named after the beer. :thinking:

so lots of people apologized but nobody said squat to the asshole when he did it? thats not awesome at all.

saying sorry to you doesn’t improve anything. the guy would just do it again, and they had nothing to do with him, why do they need to apologize on his behalf?

they felt embarrassed to lose face in-front of a foreigner… by what was actually normal old man behavior. so they said sorry. i would stick this one firmly in the wack pile.

Taiwanese people are not very bold, and most of them are not very large or intimidating, either. That guy was clearly a bit unhinged to not only kick an innocent dog but also yell back when he’s been called out for it. So I think it makes sense that onlookers would apologize to Mithrandir rather than confront the the psycho and risk him getting violent or otherwise escalating.

It’s just foolish to invite that kind of trouble on yourself if you’re not physically imposing or packing heat or something.


For me it was the usual weak sauce of locals who would do anything to avoid a confrontation. But I can also see why you say it was awesome.:sunglasses:

And yea nobody doing anything about a guy kicking a puppy is not great BUT they may not have seen what happened.

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I’m pretty sure no one saw it because my body would have obscured the view of the other people in line. Also, while I said he kicked my puppy, it’s more accurate to say that he used his foot to aggressively push the puppy into a counter. Not much better, but that’s what happened.