Baby in box on scooter - my vid made it on the news

[quote=“Stian”]Why ban it? There is enough regulations they are breaking allready and baning passengers would just make one more no one care about.
It would be alot bether if they just started to enforce the sleeping law of no passenger AND cargo at the same time.
Back home your not allowed to bring passengers on 50cc witch is a good think, they don’t have enough power to flow with the trafick when you bring a second person on it.[/quote]

It’s already illegal for a green plate scooter to carry a passenger.

I grew up in a much less convenient and more remote area than Taiwan and we got by with neither a car nor a scooter.

I am not out to judge anyone, it’s none of my business. But I wish people would just admit that they do things because it’s cheap/convenient, not because it’s a genuine necessity.

well said…sweet and simple…you hit the bull’s eye Llary!!


I am not out to judge anyone, it’s none of my business. But I wish people would just admit that they do things because it’s cheap/convenient, not because it’s a genuine necessity.[/quote]

Also have to factor in a lack of education re: safety. The taiwanese just don’t grasp the concept that an accident could happen anytime. Ever tried explaining baby car seats to them and why they might be a good idea?