Beer Alert & Directory V - Roaring 20s edition

This one, seems only on the island.

Xiaoliuqiu. Still haven’t tried that one. Last time I was there I kept seeing the advertisements, but when I finally settled down for a beer it was nowhere to be found. Not long ago we walked around that island. Not bad. Now that I’ve done it I can’t see renting a scooter there as all that necessary.

I’m about a half hour east of you (not counting the boat ride) in Fangliao. You read any articles about the traffic this weekend? I had to pass on Taitung. I’ll head over there next weekend.

I live in Kaohsuing not Xiaoliuqiu. (Xiaoliuqiu is nice to visit but for living would prefer Taitung) But do travel the area for work and fun. So what is in front the Fangliao station now, miss the Mango girl!

Were you the guy that lived in Linyuan?

There are fish there now.

Not me, I am in central KHH, but remember the posts.

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Yes, I was there this morning and asked. They also now have Pizza for anyone in the city.

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I saw a Pingtung ad (maybe foodie ads) promote this beer, once things get back to normal I want to try and I can travel there.

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I still haven’t had it. Last time I went to Xiaoliuqiu I walked around the island (it’s 12 km), and the whole way I kept thinking, “If I see that beer I’m going to try it.” Didn’t see it anywhere.

I think it’s probably just average. Like Longchuan or Go Beer. I’m also pretty sure they don’t brew it on the island. Someone gave me a bag of those curly cookies (麻花捲) recently, and after studying the bag I learned they were made in Kaohsiung.

It’s one step above water and expensive to boot.

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You won’t escape an awkward situation by ripping off this label

Don’t know the beer


That is a really awesome label. I like brewers with a good sense of humor.

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Summer selection at Seven looks good. I’ve just had a Ghost Ship and about to crack open a Goblin.


I like the Ghost Ship. Good session kind of ale, light bodied but flavorful

My 7/11 sucks. Nothing like that to be found. It just has the usual suspects (nothing better than Asahi or Sapporo). The only place near me that had really good beer was Jason’s, but that’s nestled in the heart of Kaohsiung Arena and I don’t dare go in there since the outbreak (even though it’s bafflingly been reopened, yet I still can’t invite a fifth person in my apartment and… never mind, mixing up my threads again. God, I need a drink)


The summer beer promotion only started on Wednesday, so it could be your local just hasn’t got the stock yet.

My 7-11 sucks too. Lager, malt-heavy beer, and alcopop.

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I preferred the Hobgoblin, but both were nice.

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I’ll give it a try.

Did anyone yet the Moosehead pineapple milkshake thing yet?

That’s quite the challenge. You first.

EDIT: I’m about to try one

It’s odd, but not undrinkable. I’ve no idea where the milkshake comes in. Possibly later in my vomitus?

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