Begpackers around the world

I can imagine genuine buskers wanting to commit violence on these white parasites.

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I would be curious to do a begpacker popularity test with many races, genders …We could see who gets the most money. I would say young blond female but prove me wrong.


I am not a bigot! I dislike all of them, disregarding gender, race, age of the babies they carry around, and their sexual preferences.


I was walking around Taipei Main Station a week or so ago and there were a bunch of young Taiwanese people with “Free Hugs” written on their shirts. I don’t think they were doing it for charity or anything, I think it was just for fun. Anyway, the only people who approached me were the bloody guys.


So, how were the hugs?

Rejected firmly. One benefit of this new coronavirus is it provides a great excuse for avoiding unwanted bodily contact.

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Be sure to repeat the test in places with different demographics. People love the exotic! :flying_saucer:

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The sign is in Vietnamese and says: Please help me I need money for food and a hotel.


I feel she would do well with the “Hugs for money” angle.

Not for me. The smell of weed + patchouli makes me gag.


where can i get your www of smells? i’d like to smell it myself. all i can see from that picture is to stay the heck away from me

I think he is referring to the Cannabis patterns all over her shirt and socks plus the dreadlocks. He could be wrong but I would guess 99% he is right :face_with_monocle: The smell of weed has never bothered me unlike the smell of cigarrettes and cheap Cider.

Beg Pecker… huh hh hhhuuuhhh (in a Beavis and Butthead accent)


You will know when Covid is gone when these folk reappear. I could not stand them, but now they are a symbol of pre~Covid happy times. :grinning:


The original begpacker?

Pro tip: Wear a lanyard and fake badge supporting some organization real or fake


Use the right footwear, not Nike.


Holy holey shoes. Double Pro tip: Also good in wet climate.

Look the part live the part.


Fake it to you make it. To fake being a beggar would be embarassing lol
But if one genuinely needs to beg then there are worse things to worry about than being embarassed. Those people that fake beg should get into door to door sales they would make a killing. Door to door selling takes some big balls.

With this privileged information and a plane ticket I could probably live in Thailand even during a pandemic.

I already got me some holey shoes

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