Best ice cream bar I've had since a Dove Bar in the '80s - EKSELENCE Karameļu Dubultās Šokolādes

Picked up one of these at the 7-11 this afternoon, and my mind is blown. This was amazing! Creamy rich ice cream dipped into layers of chocolate and caramel. The last ice cream bar I had that was this decadent was a Dove Bar when I was in college, and at a US$ 5 back then in the 80’s it was a rare treat for me.

This one was smaller than a Dove Bar. But it’s here, and I won’t sweat the cost (whatever it was, it was WORTH IT!)

Over in Family Mart, I have been enjoying Pols ice cream - another brand from Latvia like the one above. Latvian ice cream wars in the convenience stores of Taiwan? I don’t get it, but I don’t mind


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