Best James Bond Movie Ever

[quote=“lostinasia”] And I’m afraid I disagree about Samuel Jackson in that film.

Wasn’t there a rumour somewhere that Idris Elba could be a future Bond? Or was that just someone’s fantasy?[/quote]

Mace was ok until he died falling out of a window. Call it halves? :smiley: :smiley:

Elba? Hmm… his work as Stringer Bell became less engaging over time. I remember when they killed him I felt, “yeah, about time.” I know however my opinion is only my opinion. :smiley: Anyway, we are also wildy off topic, but I have enjoyed our small aside, LIA. Cheers.

It would be absurd to have a black guy as Bond. In the books he was half Scottish and half Swiss.

There are no black Scots or black Swiss?

There are no black Scots or black Swiss?[/quote]

That being said, a black Bond would be a bit weird. But then again, why not? How about an illegitimate son of the original Bond, who just happened to be named James after daddy?

cool, Adele’s doing the theme song

exactly. well said.

Obi Wan? I don’t think so.[/quote]
definitely mcgregor. you saying that tells me you don’t know much at all about the actor. him and natalie portman were probably the most bearable parts among the disaster prequels.

A Chinese Bond could be Jackie Chan Bond ?

And an indian one maybe Ghandi Bond ? Has a nice ring to it :slight_smile:

"The name’s Bond, Ghandi Bond " !

There are no black Scots or black Swiss?[/quote]

Not really when Fleming wrote the books. Also, I can’t say for certain, but I vaguely remember him being described in Caucasian terms. Bond was supposedly inspired by various WW2 intelligence agents known to Fleming, including his brother, all of them white. In the name of diversity though, why not just make Bond a woman too?

There are no black Scots or black Swiss?[/quote]

Not really when Fleming wrote the books. Also, I can’t say for certain, but I vaguely remember him being described in Caucasian terms. Bond was supposedly inspired by various WW2 intelligence agents known to Fleming, including his brother, all of them white. In the name of diversity though, why not just make Bond a woman too?[/quote]

Now that’s really crossing the line! It wouldn’t be Bond, regardless of the name.

But you could have an illegitimate daughter of Bond, Jenny Bond!

Jenny Bond? sounds like shes TAiwanese :slight_smile:


Obi Wan? I don’t think so.[/quote]
definitely mcgregor. you saying that tells me you don’t know much at all about the actor. him and natalie portman were probably the most bearable parts among the disaster prequels.[/quote]

Of his oeuvre I have seen: Shallow grave, trainspotting, pillow book, blue juice, emma, brassed off, nightwatch, velvet goldmine, yawn wars, a life less ordinary, moulin rouge, black hawk down, down with love, island, incendiary, I love you phillip Morris, angels and demons, Nanny mcphee and Salmon fishing. I also have a degree in theatre studies. So I know a smidgen about McGregor… So yeah, you should have a word with your spidey senses, cos they are way off. I find him a reasonably varied actor, and a hell of a nice chap, however in big roles he doesn’t come across as much more for me than a grinning British hunk. His accent in yawn wars is enough to know he’d bugger up Bond.

Paddy Considine (I’ll wait while you look him up) Paddy Considine would make a far far better James Bond. James McAvoy…again I’ll wait… James McAvoy is a young Scot who would be a wicked cool Bond.


It’s so hard to pick a best Bond movie.

As for my favorite Bond and Bond Girl, I’d have to go with Mike Myers and Beyonce. And the least attractive Bond Girl for me was probably Judi Dench… just not my idea of eye candy.

What about YOU for James Bond? British, background in acting, international man of mystery, etc. :ponder:

Actually, I’m not from that part of the world and have no acting skills, but if you’re offering me a job, I’ll take it. :neutral:

You got your post in just before mine. I was responding to superking.

I’m 50% more mysterious than superking. Go with me.

Do you look good in a tux? Can you play pancy-pants card games like Bacarat?

Do you look good in a pool? Can you do synchronized swimming? :bluemad:

I’ve got British teeth. I’d win by a mouth. :smiley: I am also good at making normal women go bonkers, so also a plus. I don’t gamble… maybe my one weakness. Before Craig was chosen a serious contender was Robson Green.

So maybe SK as Bond is a dream not so far fetched. Kidding, being clear for all you ---------, I’m kidding.

Well I know how to gamble, and my teeth are relatively straight, but I’m not very good at treating women in a sexualized manner the way James Bond does.

I suppose I could be taught… In fact, I’m gonna start practicing right now with my two hot chicks.

And please define “normal women” and “bonkers.”

How far along the bell curve can I go and still consider the two I appeal to “normal?” :neutral: