Best Pizza in Taipei

Anyone tried it?
I wanted to several times but always closed.

Looks good from the photos but most of the naples style pizza i’ve had in taiwan so far has been dry so i’m not holding my breath.

There’s also a Little New York in Songshan. I love the pizza but am not a fan of Sunmai beer personally :face_vomiting:

I want to but its so far. Hearing rumors that best Italian pizza in town.

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Paulie’s is really good. Pips LNY for NY Pizza, but both are great

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It’s not far from me. But I don’t feel like wasting my meals on pizza when I was just in Italy :joy:


Are there any decent deep dish Pizza in Taipei?

Weird comment. In regards to the guy saying he was just in Italy

This is not my thing, but IIRC, Chicago on Fuxing South Road may be the place to find what you’re looking for?


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Love at First Bite is supposed to have good ones. I’ve never tried it though.

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Big Boyz Pizza is the place people have talked about for deep-dish. The linked thread is amusing: big swings in reactions! (I like their regular pizzas; haven’t tried the deep dish, because it takes an hour to prepare, and I’d be on my own - does deep-dish work well if I bring half home and reheat it the next day?)

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Yep, bigboyz is a solid representation of deep dish in Taipei, even if I have a few gripes about it. Been there multiple times and would still go back to get my fix.

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I haven’t had a dry Naples style pizza as long as I go for buffalo mozzarella. Cow mozzarella simply doesn’t cut it.

Italians are more offended at Americans talking about “pizzas” than they are about whatever nonsense you do with the way it is made.

Sweetcorn may be an exception and peas, probably a few other things that Napoli Pizza does here and is likely the guide “how not to” make a pizza.

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And yet I’m sure Napoli comes closer to making decent food than many restaurants in the west claiming to serve Asian food!

Well I really don’t know what people are complaining about. Yes there is loads of bad pizza in Taiwan, but comparing Pizza here to so many European countries - it’s really good. I mean Taiwan has more Pizza restaurants certified by Vera Pizza Napoletana than Germany or Austria… I was really suprised by this arriving in Taiwan, cause mainland China is for me like the absolute worst place to get anything worthy of the name Pizza.

My favourite Pizza is in Taichung - Marbledot Cafe. Great authentic Napoli style Pizza, actually even cheap, and can order every Pizza with buffalo mozzarella. I haven’t tried Oggi Pizza in Taipei however. Quite a lot of other popular ones though however like Solo…

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Il Vicino in Tianmu has pretty good deep dish.

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This is a VERY recent thing, like literally in the last two to three years or so so almost every town and district thoughout the country you can suddenly find very good and quite authentic Italian pizza. Even Miaioli city has one selling Sesame leaves pizza now , I was shocked. Many are claiming that they are qualified by that organization by that organisation , it must be cleaning up big-time here.

Talking about pasta though… Uh oh…That’s a shit show. You can barely find any place making fresh pasta. Probably due to the cost as much as the extra labour.

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Just substitute the word pizza for food and it will be more illustrative of the situation. And that’s just the food not talking about all the other problems such as paying for it and bad service. So happy I don’t need to travel there now.

Never bother comparing Taiwan to China…That’s newb mistake number one here. We don’t give a shit what they are doing in China. What’s it got to do with us?

Okay - well didn’t know that it used to be different. But yeah nice wood oven Napoli pizza is so easy to find in Taiwan now. Even got good pizza on some night markets (yeah you have to tell them what to put on, and what not. But I don’t mind them selling some funky pizza if they also make you a good authentic one).

Even in Italy in many cities it’s harder to get good pizza. Of course it cannot compare even close to Napoli - but don’t know any place that can. I do like authentic Roman or Napoli style pizza, not something middle ground which is way too common even in Italy (90% of pizzeria in Italy are NOT great, 50% outright bad IMHO).

And I really tend to disagree about food in mainland China. Yeah western food is largely awful, but loads of great food if you like various chinese cuisines. Similarities concerning food and culture for me between Taiwan and Mainland aren’t too big - except for any kind of non local food (exception Shanghai). Since 2020 foreigners can use Alipay in China too. So actually paying for anything I feel is now better than Taiwan where you need cash nearly everywhere not fancy.