Best Taiwan Presidential Candidate for Foreigners and/or NWOHRs in Taiwan?

Reminds me of comments about sex. Those talking about fucking ain’t doing a lot of it. The DPP talks a shitload about human rights, especially from people such as their VP candidate, but its rhetoric often doesn’t live up to reality. As the previous post and Kennedy’s comments clearly show (which pre-date Gain’s activism by decades and take the long view :clown_face: :laughing: :laughing:), this is often a mirage full of foul-smelling shit.

Remember when the head of Taiwan’s Amnesty International used to mention exactly the same thing.

Brian’s Report on Taiwan Human Rights - Legal / Human Rights - Forumosa
In Memory of Brian L. Kennedy – Zhongguo Wu Xue
The Best of Times and the Worst of Times; Criminal Law Reform in Taiwan on JSTOR

If you are not in that category (i.e. you are an aboriginal, a woman, a foreigner, a poor person, a person sans connections or just a regular Taiwanese Joe Six Pack with blue rubber sandals) you could easily be fucked over. Put simply the law, fairness, justice—do not mean a fucking thing in Taiwan.

Gay marriage was a start, but there is so much more to do. Just not sure the inherent conservatism in the DPP rural voters is the way to do that.