Best website to buy used electronics in Taiwan?

Amazon has the option of buying used products. But PCHome doesn’t seem to have it (Does it? If yes, what did I miss and how can I buy them?). What would be the best website to buy used electronics in Taiwan?

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Great. Thanks. Des Ruten issue invoice? If not, is there any website that sells used electronics and also issues invoice?

Depends what youre looking for, pchome sells used items labelled under 福利品 and gives invoices. Many other stores sell them too

What are you trying to buy?

Printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, etc

Things like that.

I think the first thing is… Taiwanese shopping and ‘website’ don’t go together very well.

While you can find used things on Ruten and Shopee, one is a classifieds site and the other is an online mall.

But to find these things in actual stores, you’ll have to go to an actual store in person. You can check out 綠盟 by Guanghua for used stuff like that.

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Are you buying from shops that sells used electronic? This seems rare in Taiwan but I’ve started seeing second hand stores pop up around Taipei, but the prices don’t seem all that good considering it’s used items… there’s nothing like Goodwills in Taiwan.

If you are buying from individuals like those Taipei buy/sell groups, then don’t expect invoices… they aren’t businesses.

Is there anything a little sketchier? Where I could get stuff in worse condition for better prices?
I was thinking more along the lines of stuff thats about to be thrown out lol.

Try joining FB local groups and marketplace. I see tons of 2nd hand items. Great deals if you are willing to pickup yourself.


I was thinking like old office workstations or older gpus.

Well… You are in the land of computers so people here kinda know what these things are worth and technicians are a dime a dozen here that even go as far as board-level repair to make a buck. Stores aren’t going to sell run-down old GPUs so you can restore them and profit because they know how to do that and profit themselves. The best place to do that is where people can be ignorant of hardware like Canada, USA, Australia, UK.

Damn. That is kinda disappointing.

At best, the only thing I can suggest is trying to salvage untested parts from PCs at scrapyards if they let you dig in.

People often say this but I have never even seen a scrapyard much less visited one. Do you have any experience doing this?

Yes. But they’re not really a Taipei thing. There are big ones and small ones. But they need space.

I found a Powermac G5 once. It’s 20 Kg and one of the handles separated so I have to weld that together one day.

But you can get stuff like 2nd 3rd, 4th, 6th Gen Intel systems and similar.

Actually you can get secondhand stuff like this on Ruten but you need to search very very carefully in between the endless junk and pseudo ads…

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Should I be looking for like a specific type of scrapyard? Do they specify which ones may contain electronics?

Nope. Usually scrapyards like to take all types of metal. Including computers because of precious metals.

What are you trying to do? Repair restore and resell?