Bicycle crashed into me - Nobody's fault - She wants me to pay 5000NT

Just for general reference, not a comment on this particular case:


In that case, you should probably let go of the thought of her being a horrible person. :innocent:


Took me a minute there :joy:

Ouch :sweat:


Wow Easy there
I’m local and every single time I have to report and accident to 119, they’re ALREADY aware of the accident because too many people called in.

And I just held an umbrella for an old lady who’s hit by a car in the middle of road and comfort her while instructing the others to call the ambulance and place the cones and contact the lady’s family and also take pictures just in case the other party run away before the police gets here. And by the others I mean a bunch of middle school students who happened to pass by. And they stayed all the way till the police finish making their records. Unlike me, who had to leave early for her clinic appointment. In this case, because all possible tasks were well assigned, no extra calls are directed to 119. I’m not sure if any passerby calls in, but because we formed a human circle in the middle of the road, and cones are laid out, and the car who’s at fault is signaling an emergency light, it’s very likely people understand it’s being handled.

What happened to the OP is unfortunate. But saying that locals won’t call an ambulance is waaaay outta the line. Plus what’s with the rumor about the ones who called the ambulance has to pay? Have you not seen how often ambulances roam in the streets? Do you have any idea how much money the hospitals let a patient owe them every year? Do you understand we have the worlds best healthcare system?

If you are familiar with how things are done here then you should know that we value humanity so much we seldom ask people to pay. There’s almost no punishment to ambulance abuse (?). And this is to a point that really concerns the majority of us.

I appreciate your info so far, but please fact check before sharing an information that is going to harm our reputation and public welfare. I, as a local, understands that there’s no way a person calling an ambulance for a car accident would result in paying the fee. What about the foreigners? What if some foreigner sees this message and just believes it, and next time they’re the only one there who could help?

We might seem like a bunch of crazy dumb dumbs that drives a vehicle like a Mario cart but there are still some sane ppl among us. Have some faith in our judicial system and hospitals. I remember during the sunflower protest, the medical workers among the protesters established the EMT group and created lanes in the crowds for emergency reason. I don’t know if this is the first of the world. But this is no doubt clever. We treat medical matters seriously. I’m not even sure if there is any country I trust more regarding accidents in the road.


I have pleaded with people to call an ambulance when I witnessed an old man have a heart attack riding his bike. This was hardly a one off. There are plenty of great people in Taiwan. And that sense of safety and honesty in Taiwan is something I have never experienced anywhere else. Like people handing in your bag/phone/wallet or placing your scooter keys that you accidentally left in the ignition into the cup cavity. People don’t mind calling the police but they seem to worry about calling an ambulance. I don’t know why.

Well I wouldn’t apply my personal experience to the whole country. I’m not sure what happened there so I’m not commenting here.

Maybe you could try and call the ambulance next time? I’m sure we have englsih service.


You carry cones with you?

Of course not :joy: it was a warning triangle. Dunno why I typed cone. Perhaps because there were actual cones at the scene. I guess someone borrowed it from the stores near by.

Fengshui? Bad fortune?

Sounds like a good idea, I might try it.

Cone hat?

I don’t actually have/carry a phone with me. Device yes but not phone. And I checked the other day if I could call 119 or landlines/cellphones from Line and found I couldn’t (or I’m too daft to work out how to).

I know this is anecdotal however this kind of thing seems to happen to me regularly. Tonight while I was training a Taiwan Kevin decided to interrupt my swim. They had already watched me do 20 laps from another lane when they decided they wanted to come into my lane. I was very much on pace (meaning I was swimming 3km under an hour or about 55s a lap) when they decided to swim in front of me doing some weird version of frog/breaststroke where they stopped in the middle of the lane every 3 or 4 strokes.

Of course I crashed into the “Kevin” and he proceeded to abuse me. I asked the staff to ask him to change lanes and at this point “Kevin” decided to accuse me of assaulting him and demanded that the police be called. I said "Fine, call the police. “Kevin” then spent the next hour telling anyone that was unfortunate enough to be near him at the end of the pool about how I assaulted him and how I was such a filthy weiguoren.

At the end of the day it doesn’t matter how great the vast majority of people in Taiwan are. It’s always going to be the “Kevin’s and Karen’s” that ruin it for everybody else. The fact that a lot of these people think weiguoren are fair game, with some misguided belief that if everybody else doesn’t take “their” side they are being traitorous/disloyal to Taiwan, is really the problem. And I know the exact same kind of thing happens everywhere else.

I don’t know, I can’t say I run into such people at anything like a rate I would take particular notice of. Maybe it’s just me though.


I don’t know, I am with Tempo on this one, rarely meet people here who dislike me because I am a foreigner, very rarely actually.


I seem to be an asshole magnet for some reason. Probably because I stand my ground. Like if the usual type tries to cut in front of me at the local 7/11 I’ll just reach over the top of them and get served before them anyway. Stuff like that. Even tonight there were people there that had known me for over 10 years and they were just laughing at this guy. Maybe there’s just something in me that sets certain people off?

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I think anyone who has been here long enough will do that stuff, lol. Had to do an arm block on a lady on MRT other day who seemed to think her random carping about the behavior of other passengers made it necessary to stick her fat forearm into my space.

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In my experience, limited as it is, the judicial system here is a joke. It rewards extortion and bad behavior.

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It really doesn’t. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes it does. Private citizens can bring criminal charges but decide not to if the price is right. It is inherently corrupt.

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