Bicycle crashed into me - Nobody's fault - She wants me to pay 5000NT

This was the reason I said i’d pay. I don’t like to deal with any of these things and wanted it to be over with quickly, she told me I admitted on the day which I did not.

Oh she wants money. And more money. And even more money. This will be a never ending money grab until TeacherBri leaves Taiwan if she caves into this.


The thing is, it was a while a go now, the cuts have already gone. The only thing I have are the police photos he took on the day

Go to the police. It sounds like she is trying to extort you. And twisting your words to take advantage of the situation.

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If I do leave, i would have a criminal record though, right? Or they could even stop me at the airport. I don’t plan to leave yet but I could maybe say i’m not planning to stay for long, maybe that’ll make her think that she can accept the 5000 or if I leave then she gets nothing?

I went to the police today, they told me not to pay any money and wait for the mediation. I just hate waiting and it makes me so nervous, it’s the only thing on my mind right now. Maybe I could counter sue for the stress haha


The one thing I’ve learned on these forums is that Taiwan is a hell of a drug for some.

You’d only have a criminal record if you were charged with a crime and found guilty. It doesn’t sound like anything like that. This is purely a civil matter. She is demanding an admission that it was your fault and an up front payment so she can then use that as proof that you admitted you were at fault.

Don’t pay. If she rings you again tell her politely that you have to call a police officer and ring her back so the police officer can witness the conversation. That you also have doctors bills and injuries that you wish to submit to the mediation. And that if she calls you again demanding money that you will be forced to report her to the police for attempting to extort money from you.

That should get rid of her pretty quickly.


It’s not going to end at $5000. She’ll end up demanding that you pay her rent, her health insurance, her lost income for the next x amount of years. These things can get way out of hand here. You can already counter sue. She ran into you and you are injured because of that. You can also go to the police and ask that she be charged for extortion because she is demanding money from you as well as an admission of guilt. Record all interactions you get from her. And watch out for strange unemployable type people suddenly following you or making an interest in you.


You won’t have a criminal record. An accident isn’t a crime. You have to have motive to commit a crime. We all run into some accidents in our lives, if that makes it a crime than 80% of our population would be criminals.
Listen to JPMichaels1
Record every contact with her and NEVER admit anything
NEVER sign a contract without any gains

DONT GIVE HER MONEY before a mediation

It’s a bike incident 5k is waaaaaay more than she could ever get if this when to court
Actually this is very likely to be dismissed
If you want to you can ask her to give you the medical records and show us (after sensoring personal info of course)
If it’s just bruises I don’t she could even make it to the court


What a horrible person. Agree with others. Just go to meditation.

Sorry to hear this. She should have just taken the 5000


You know
It’s like poker
Don’t show your weakness
If she thinks she can’t take anything from you she’d go away soon
A professional wouldn’t waste time on a person who knows how to protect the rights
If she knows you’re afraid of her
She’d haunt you like a predator ready to kill
She’d try to milk as much as she can from you

What ever you decide to do
Do it with a poker face and nothing more


tell her this.

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A bike crashed into you. Someone is at fault.

She can’t possibly be horrible. Everyone’s calling her a “lady”.

You can also sign up for a mediation meeting. There should be a mediation office at your local city hall ( 公所). You can sign up for an appointment there (although it might be for a month into the future). The mediation office will send the other party (nasty lady) an official notice to attend a mediation meeting at such and such a date. I believe that before any case like this goes to court, it is a legal requirement to first attempt mediation. She is legally required to attend mediation, else it will look very bad for her.

edit: sorry I forgot, you need the 30-day police report in order to sign up for the mediation meeting

At mediation, they will ask the lady to present documentation of her “injuries” and any documentation of repairs to the bike or if it’s unrepairable. Did the police take any photos of her bike at the scene of the accident? If yes, you can pick these up for free at the police station.

Are you communicating with this person in Chinese or English? If I were you, for my own sanity, I would stop communicating with her. She sounds terrible.

Try to get some help if you can, a friend who is a local, or even a lawyer. The only other hope you have is if the police report states that no one is at fault or that you are not at fault. (You want to get someone knowledgeable to interpret the police report, as it can sometimes be obtuse.)

By the way, if you’re interested i found the other thread about a pedestrian being hit by a bicyclist, and the bicyclist threatening to sue. Although in that case, no police report was filed.


Thank you for your in depth reply. The last message was me asking her if she would like to sign the form so both parties cannot be liable in the future. She replied ‘No, I lay in bed for days after the incident and you refused to deal with the matter over the phone yesterday, and you know the accident was your fault but you won’t admit it.’

No resolution, but she’s hinting at getting me to ‘admit’ over writing so (I assume) she can sue for more than 5000.

I have a taiwanese friend translating the replies for me. I am thinking just to ignore her replies and wait for the mediation. My bank account reads around 40,000, I These are my whole savings for a year+ (I planned to do so much with this after covid; see family etc.) I really don’t want to waste these savings on whatever lawyer fees are coming. I just ran for the green light, I am not 100% if I skipped the bike lane to catch the green light. Honestly, I am a total noob to this sort of thing, I have a clean criminal record, i’m so scared and don’t know how to end this quickly.


This is not a criminal matter. No matter what happens in this case, you will not have a criminal record. Please stop worrying about this aspect of this situation - it is just about money. Try to think about it as a mediated bargaining over the price of an electronic device, or something along those lines.


I haven’t seen the woman that tries to run into me every morning since Thursday last week. Not sure if this is a coincidence or if they really are the same lady.

It’s irrelevant. The bicycle is the vehicle and the vehicle has to give way to pedestrians. That’s the law. The police were being kind to the woman by saying nobody was at fault. A bicycle has to stop at a red light just the same as a scooter or car would have to (although most don’t in Taiwan but that’s a different matter altogether).

You can’t get a criminal record for a civil matter. It’s impossible. Don’t worry about it like that. The reason why she is trying to get you to admit fault is so she could possibly force you into a position of guilt and therefore apply for a compensation order against you.

Ask yourself this. Did you do anything wrong? You crossed the street when the crossing had a green signal saying it was safe for you to cross. You were hit and injured by another person. The police came and said nobody was at fault. When you were there did you do everything a normal caring human being would do even though you yourself were injured? If the answer to that is yes then you have already gone above and beyond what the vast majority of Taiwanese would do. Most would just stand there and look at you bleeding on the road. Afraid to call the ambulance in case they would have to pay the ambulance fee because the injured person refuses to.


I think this is all in your situation.

If you really worry, you can get a police record and go to a free legal counselling before the mediation to understand each party’s obligations at the scene.

If you would ever get another contact from her, you could say you are consulting with a lawyer and talk with her at the mediation.
Or, you could reply to her so. If you would reply, don’t forget to tell her that you were just crossing on the green light.