Biden’s Southern Border Policies

Checkmate. You just converted yourself into a Trump supporter without realizing it.

Them closet Trumpers are the worst.

Wow really? That’s amazeballs.

How so? explain.

I guess it got lost in the mumble. Seriously though, if it were that important, like the whole of the endless border fiasco, wall street would have demanded something be done.

And this old dog eared quote from Joey Tough guy.

Or Taiwan. For a hundred bucks extra you can ship your unaccompanied child to Taiwan to stay with “relatives” who never show up to claim them. I wonder what Taiwan would do if a thousand children from poor countries suddenly showed up at Taoyuan Airport seeking legal residency.

Probably treat them humanely and find a way to house and raise them. But you know that’s an easy argument to make because it’s based on a hypothetical that nobody can prove. TW doesn’t share any borders with anyone.



It’s actually happening now. Lots of young HKers seeking political asylum there.

“Those who do flee to Taiwan often face difficulties. Taiwan has no formal refugee law, so political refugees are unable to work legally. Many of the Hong Kong protesters, who are staying in Taiwan on monthly tourist visas, are so young they have not even graduated from high school — making them ineligible for longer-term student visas. An informal network of churches and nonprofits supports them financially, and a volunteer group of Taiwanese lawyers has pledged free legal consultation.”

Some Hong Kong Protesters Are Seeking Refuge In Taiwan. For Taiwan, It’s Complicated : NPR

Mock less, learn more.

Also, extremely liberal immigration policy to begin with. Some poor people show up and get 30 days visas free.

Is HK is a “poor country?”

Read more, dick less.

The people showing up are poor, young, and facing political upheaval in their home country. Hence:

I think you know that HK was NOT what QSS was referring to. Stop trying to reframe the discussion. It’s hilarious and I’ve just had surgery.

What’s the discussion again? Immigrants bad? His whole ‘discussion’ is based on a strawman to begin with.

Then I pointed out you can’t compare TW to the US southern border for obvious reasons.
Then I put up a post. Then you replied with TAIWAN with a sticker next to it.

In any case, I do hope your surgery was a success, whatever it was.

It’s in the title. Biden. Southern border. Who said immigrants bad? Just you as far as I can see.

Raise them? As in give them permanent residency with a path to citizenship? My extensive experience with Taiwan’s Ministry of Immigration says otherwise.

My guess is Taiwan would feed them and house them and then send them back where they came from.

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If they got out of the airport.

What do you think will happen with these HK political dissidents?


Question 2: What do you think SHOULD happen with them?

Same thing that happened with me when I applied for residency.

While it’s at it Taiwan can open the floodgates to the one million Rohingya refugees fleeing persecution in Myanmar and the twelve million Uyghurs being persecuted by China.


that’s two