BigDave’s weight loss progress

120 pushups. 20 times 6? 12 times 10? 60 times 2?

20 x 6. I got an extra one coz i was pumped to see a low new cases.

Sorry for my two cents…but I have to echo bingobango. A steady consistent approach to get to your hoped for weight and physical condition can be approached in terms of years (if you have been overweight for years). A 3 - 5 year plan. The key point is a lifestyle change…which eventually leads you to your objective. Don’t pressure yourself by measuring success by kilos lost per month.

Sometimes going for a simple approach can attain the results. 80% of time resisting junk foods, less oily foods, dump the fried foods, drink more water (no sugary drinks), less beer, plenty of vegetables. Daily aerobic exercise.

If you are more adventurous…a monthly one day colon cleanse by drinking psyllium husk/seed powder. That would be a useful fast with some side benefits.

At my old job I met hundreds of people wanting to lose weight…very few successful as their timeline was not practical from long term perspective…meaning they ended up right back where they started.

Anyway, good luck. I applaud those who try…and admire those who keep trying when the going gets rough.


I rarely agree with bingobango, but he’s right here. There really is no need to fast. Fast, or don’t fast; it doesn’t make a whole lot of difference. Your body will lose weight at whatever rate it decides is appropriate. If you want to speed it up, your best bet is to add some serious physical exercise, not to eat less.

Since you’re doing a low-carb approach, though, there’s no need to avoid oily/fried food. As you already know, you’re going to be sourcing most of your calories from fat. I also think a 3-5 year timeline is unnecessarily conservative; at your current weight, you can expect to lose 80% of the unwanted flab within 12 months. It’ll slow down thereafter and you’ll lose the rest. People fail to lose weight because of unreasonable expectations, certainly, but by far the most common reason for failure is just doing it wrong.

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day 0 105.4kg daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg. -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg eating day
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted

Thanks for the advice guys, but I am going to do what I am going to do.
I actually am not in that big of a hurry. Someone critiqued my plan and I said that we will find out who is right in three months. My meaning was that it would take that long to decide whether my plan was a success or not. Not that I am aiming for that.

I also mentioned that I would probably lose 2kg in the first week. Not because that is my aim, but because I know how fast it comes off in the beginning.

As far as doing some serious exercise to lose the weight. Just take a look at the biggest losers to know that is not a good idea. I will slowly introduce exercise and fast less as i get towards my ideal weight.

See ya tomorrow!


I wanna join too. 192cm and 82kg but I think most of the weight is in my beer belly.

I drink like 10 beers per day and eat around 1800 calories max per day.

I’m 27 and do no exercise.

Probably quitting beer alone would be enough lol, it’s so cheap here though.

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:rofl:how about no beer :beers: cheers

A lot of calories in 10 beers. At 192, 82kg and 27, i think that knocking beer on the head for a couple of months and starting an exercise program will be enough.

The belly will disappear and you will pack on some muscle.

I wouldn’t recommend getting any lighter.

What are your aims?

day 0 = 173lb
day 1 = 174lb
day 2 = 172lb
day 3 = 171lb
day 4 = 171lb
day 5 = 171lb I’m stuck!!!

Did tabata and kick scoot quite a bit. I think i need to add daily jog/run. I’m stuck in this weight… already eating less… much less… no mid night snack or unnecessary carb (hard because i work past midnight.

Maybe i gain some muscle with the pushups/situps?

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That might be your set point. You have to keep going and trust the process. Once your body realizes that you are not playing, you will find yourself dropping a couple of pounds in a day.

Don’t take your calories really low and do too much exercise though. Nowhere to go from there.

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First of all: Jia you! I’m myself a few centimetres too small for my weight and currently on a diet. Weight is classified tho. I’m using the Navy BMI, which gives useful results. I’m eating carbs in the morning and the rest is veggies and protein and I’m trying to drink at least 6 litres of water per day. As I’m trying to change fat into muscle and not just loose fat, I’m not too deterred by a slow progress.

Edit: I can also confirm that loosing weight is 70% food and 30% exercise and a 100% hydration.
It also doesn’t hurt to visit the GP for a check up once every few months.


I never knew about set point. Learned something new today. It is probably why it demotivated me in my previous attempts.

Anyway i wasn’t satisfied and went for a run. Following the Couch to 10k app. Feels good to run in the evening. Less people… i ran on the street instead of the sidewalks. Breezy nice!

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Your body likes the status quo. The good news is that if you stick at it, your weight will drop.

A few centimeters short for my weight. That is an awesome way of looking at it.

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day 0 105.4kg daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg. -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg eating day
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted
Day 5 102.9kg +0.4kg -2.5kg eating day

Didn’t stick to low carb. I am so weak. Weetabix were calling out to me. I need to do better here.

The weight will fluctuate because of eating/non eating days but as long as the trend is downwards then I am fine.

A fasting day tomorrow. Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are fasting days.

Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday will be low carb days, I hope, one day, if I am strong.


It’s okay. Let’s keep going!

I’ve lost weight since the covid began. I’ve gone from around 84 to 77. I’m getting close to 78 now. I’m eating better. I’m sure I lost some muscle in my legs. I am not able to do squats in the gym but I did get some weights and have been doing back, shoulder, chest and arm exercise. The stress from the covid and a love lost really got me skinny.


I’ve lost an enormous amount of muscle mass since getting back to Taiwan, and it really annoys me. It’s partly down to a back problem which limited my mobility (fixed now), and partly down to the fact that I’m no longer working on the farm, but I’m really missing the gym. I try to get out and walk, but there’s no substitute for a serious workout.

Hope you get your stress, your love life and your exercise routine sorted soon :slight_smile:

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I need to get out more. I’ve been saying for 2 weeks I would buy a new road bike with gears. My new house is up a hill so I need some low gears. Here’s how e been doing rows and pullups. Had some metal left over from a shelving project and the balcony layout is perfect.


This is double my goal. Maybe part of my problem is here. I suffer from constant systemic inflammation. I’ve added in another rest day, but maybe what I need is more water. I guess it’s time to buy a filter system. Boiling is such a pain.
So how much is too much?