BigDave’s weight loss progress

day 0 105.4kg daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg. -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg eating day
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted
day 5 102.9kg +0.4kg -2.5kg eating day
day 6 102.2kg -0.7kg -3.2kg fasted
day 7 102.8kg +0.6kg -2.6kg eating day
day 8 101.5kg -1.3kg -3.9kg fasted
day 9 101kg -0.5kg -4.4kg fasted


I am curious, why do you need to get below 170? I have not been following closely enough. Are you a man or a woman? Thanks

The quickly disappearing Big Dave :slight_smile:

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Can I ask how tall you are? I’m at 78.6kg, right around 170lbs, now and believe I’m too thin. I’m almost 6’2".

day 0 105.4kg daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg. -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg eating day
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted
day 5 102.9kg +0.4kg -2.5kg eating day
day 6 102.2kg -0.7kg -3.2kg fasted
day 7 102.8kg +0.6kg -2.6kg eating day
day 8 101.5kg -1.3kg -3.9kg fasted
day 9 101kg -0.5kg -4.4kg fasted
day 10 104kg +3kg -1.4kg eating day

Oh no!!! I put on 3 kg in a day. Not really. I ate a lot of good and bad today. I mean a lot. Most of this is water weight so I expect to be back down to 102 tomorrow. Trust the process.

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day 0 105.4kg Daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg ate
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted
day 5 102.9kg +0.4kg -2.5kg ate
day 6 102.2kg -0.7kg -3.2kg fasted
day 7 102.8kg +0.6kg -2.6kg ate low
day 8 101.5kg -1.3kg -3.9kg fasted
day 9 101kg -0.5kg -4.4kg fasted low
day 10 104kg +3kg -1.4kg ate
day 11 102.1kg -1.9kg -3.3kg fasted

Back on track.


Where are you? Two days in a row without an update.

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Week 1: Start 173lb - End 170lb
day 8 = 169lb
day 9 = 169lb
day 10 = 169lb
day 11 = 169lb

Ahhhh… I was a little busy with work. I browse too much Facebook and didn’t sleep when I could. Ended up waking up really late and procrastinate on work.

I did the 100x pushups/situps and planks on day 10, but no run. Day 11 was a total do nothing!!! But luckily I didn’t spoil my diet.

I will be back tomorrow!!!


I’m 5’5"… that’s why I need to be about 140lb.

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I’m on the fourth hole on my belt. I’m mildly concerned. It’s an inch loss without trying.

I understand. I’m 6’1 and have always been above the BMI healthy zone but that was because of my extra muscle mass. Now, I’m older and have lost muscle and my BMI is normal now. I need to eat more, stress caused me to lose appetite, and I need to train with weights to add weight safely without adding unhealthy weight. Thank you for your answer. I’m up to nearly 172lbs now.


Week 1: Start 173lb - End 170lb
day 8 = 169lb
day 9 = 169lb
day 10 = 169lb
day 11 = 169lb
day 12 = 168lb

30 min YT exercise; 30 min jog… almost gave up on the jog because of rain.
I think I should follow @BigDave on fasting every other day…

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Good luck! Looking forward to your updates. I am also thinking of starting regular fasts again. Pre-covid I did it for the first time and lost some decent weight. I still have the old tracker in my notes :

I lost 5 kilos in about 7 weeks (and 15 days in total of no food whatsoever). I did retain the weight loss for a long time, but 2020 really did a number on me. I am 75 kilos now. I just want to get back in to the 60s again. :sweat_smile:

I’ll start with 1 fast a week, then move up to 2 fasts weekly. Will report my stats here too (unless I chicken out).

I won’t let you chicken out. When are you planning on doing the first one?

Looking at your previous schedule, I am guessing next Monday?

Stress? Too busy to eat? Unexplained weight loss is something you have to keep an eye on. My problem is normally unexplained weight gain.

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I’m not working out and consequently eating less is my guess. Fingers crossed.

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day 0 105.4kg Daily Total
day 1 103.6kg -1.8kg -1.8kg fasted
day 2 102.8kg -0.8kg -2.6kg fasted
day 3 104.1kg +1.3kg -1.3kg ate
day 4 102.5kg -1.6kg -2.9kg fasted
day 5 102.9kg +0.4kg -2.5kg ate
day 6 102.2kg -0.7kg -3.2kg fasted
day 7 102.8kg +0.6kg -2.6kg ate
day 8 101.5kg -1.3kg -3.9kg fasted
day 9 101kg -0.5kg -4.4kg fasted low
day 10 104kg +3kg -1.4kg ate
day 11 102.1kg -1.9kg -3.3kg fasted
day 12 102.1kg -0.0kg -3.3kg ate New Low

A new low on an eating day. Very surprising because I am still eating terribly.

You can’t out train a bad diet, but it seems you can out fast one.

I am not overly concerned with what I am eating right now. My main focus is to stick with the fasting and keep the weight going down. I still have two weapons in my arsenal for when I stall. Improve the refeeds and increase the exercise. Neither one is needed yet but they will be.


Starting tomorrow :slight_smile: Will attempt my first 24-hour fast.

I just went to check my starting weight - was surprised to see it’s 73.5Kg already. :joy: Last I checked it was 75Kg. It must be because of my three “attempted” fasts since last week.

Since last Monday I have been forcing myself to stop eating at 8:30 pm and not breaking the fast until 6:00 pm next day (21.5 hours). Was only able to do it successfully 3 times.

Will start proper tracking from today. Here it goes:

  • DAY 0: 73.5 Kilo

Thanks! That’ll be a big help!

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Well. I wish I knew where to start. I came to Taiwan in the 90’s thin as a rake, walked everywhere… but within a few months I noticed how my pants had ‘shrunk in the wash’ … no idea why. (hint: fried rice for dinner, mcdonalds for lunch!)

Up and down: upto 95 down to 83 up to 97 down to 87 upto 102 down to 100 upto 104… you get the drift, huh? Well, this Chinese New Year (yeah, ok, Lunar) , I saw myself in a photograph side on- my father (god bless his cotton socks) used to say “side of a house”. He’d not have been far wrong. 105kg.

So I determined to change but not like before: I started slow and easy by changing my habits - one by one. Stop eating cookies, then snacks, then late night, then junk food, then rice (my biggest culprit), then pasta, then bread (my homemade one, too), then basically all carbs as much as I could.

HOWEVER, I knew 3 things: 1) it’d be unsustainable without carbs; 2) some cheating would be okay; and 3) I didn’t want to lose weight too fast (because it’d be unsustainable for me).

So breakfast is as always: fruit (berries/bananas), milk + low sugar cereal, tea or coffee at about 1030am; lunch is between 1 and 3pm; dinner is awkward because of work, but I try to eat within 10 hours of breakfast or less.

I redoubled my efforts to exercise, hitting a daily walking target of 9500 (psychologically, easier for me than 10k! Don’t ask… I don’t rally know why). Using the Google Fit App on my phone, a local walking track by the river, … I supplemented by drinking lots of water, wearing sports tights to boost circulation. (I have VV).

Between the habits changing, diet changing, faster metabolism… I’ve been able to leverage a calorie gap that’s enabled me to lose 10kgs - about 2kgs per month since mid-Feb. I’m struggling right now because of recent poor choices, but the next target is 91kgs by October 15th. That will be a milestone.

Being too disciplinarian hasn’t worked for me … but focusing on one bad habit at a time and practising its abstention helps to build my resistance. So I will pick up a bag of cookies from time to time (today it was chocolate), think ‘oh, how nice it is! I might have some’… walk around the store with it, and put it back on the shelf! Now I can completely ignore those shelves in the store without regret or temptation. I no longer ‘see’ them.

To 91kgs and back (or not)… well, I’ve noticed some carbs creeping back into my life; and I really miss bread. It’s probably why my weight loss has stalled these past week or so. But step by step, I’ll reorient my habits again without guilt or blame. For me, those only bring bad results and failure. Dealing with my habits one by one is more successful.

It’s not any one tactic that’s more successful… but playing a broad, patient approach may actually work for me. Who knows? If I reach 91kgs, I’ll drop back and let you know!

Good luck to everyone trying their own way to lose weight. It’s not easy but it’s certainly not rocket science!


My experience has been that checking your weight daily is a waste of time. Once a week is all. Your weight will fluctuate too much day to day to be useful and a once a week approach is more inline with a long term life style change.

On the fasting: I did a 10 day fasting cleanse years ago and don’t recommend it because it didn’t really help. But two months ago I decided to try a once a week fast after I hit a weight plateau for almost 6 months and it is really working for me. One day a week I don’t eat, which amounts to about 36 hours with only water, tea, lemon juice and sometimes my weekly coffee. In the last 2 months I’ve lost 4 pounds and kept it off. YMMV but I’m not an advocate of long term fasting, just once a week. I actually look forward to it now and then when I can eat my stomach can’t hold as much and I feel full faster.

Just my experience.

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