Bit coin bubble burst or is time to buy?

HTGC does that for me.

I signed for 1.7% fixed last week. Close to half a million, friend of mine got similar deal one year ago for 1.2%.

Fixed rates are free lunch. Cause you can always renegotiate with a bank for better deal, but being protected against inflation. Is totally free lunch.

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Thats nice, hard to go wrong with that especially in Euro.

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As said, cause of issuing new bonds + the FED will start QT, meaning they will get ride off treasuries from balance sheet. USA has blocked dollars of Russian central bank meaning central banks should be less motivate buying treasuries. Is not 100 % safe investment, when American are capable frozing it. Maybe dozen of Western countries will jump in, and buy instead of China. As well with laws they can force commercial, investing banks to buy it. I expect to put pressure on overall bond market

I will do a lot of investment abroad in different currencies so basically I gain when euro tanks. And my salary raises with inflation. My wife’s too. We have written in contract. My father did it colleteral, so I could get equity out. I need to pay extra life saving insurance 200 euros monthly for whole family . I will get something out from that insurance deal once mortgage is paid off. But not much

This is how I see investing. When prices are lower it is like buying a t-shirt at 10% or 20% discount. You get more for your money, but it is the same t-shirt you are buying when it was full price.

The meme out there for crypto prices and related Internet chatter.

I disagree. Lots are making money in farming, i am one of them. Lots dont, that is true as well.


Ethereum merge is happening later this year. Its a big milestone in its long term development. Within a few years it will take off again.

Good to hear ! Its also good to see many more young farmers here in the south. Its also nice to see farmer trying new fruits and vegs. Hope people buy more local. Local might not be the cheapest but in the long term is the best choice.

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Family farms struggled to make a profit in the past due to the expansion of corporate farms and sophisticated global supply chains which brought in food cheaply from anywhere on the planet.

Climate change, persistent drought, war, and disruptions in the supply chain are changing the fundamentals though. Going forward just being able to produce your own food may be the difference between having access to affordable, nutritious food and fighting over dwindling supplies.

I’m surrounded by family farms here in the breadbasket of Japan, the Tokachi region, and they’re all doing well these days. Their biggest problem now is finding enough farm labor.

Just got my garden in, a month later than normal. With the cost of food I need one twice as big but just don’t have the time this year:


Says a lot about bitcoin that this thread has morphed into the pros and cons of simply owning dirt instead.

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I make dirt.

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Essentially, it’s what we are. A very fancy (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen rich) blend of dirt.

What about grease?


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Yeah yeah. I compost. I make dirt from grass, leaves and organic garbage, eaten and pooped out by worms. I then mix it into make raised beds and flower pots. I emulate gawd.

I make dirt with my bowels.

I’m 48 years old.

You need to hydrate.

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I’m on my second beer of the day.

I figure it’s something to go with the red sauce?