
What waa that in reference too?

The orange.

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The leader of the UTV the Ulster Tangerine Volunteers


The Ulster Volunteer Tangerine Force
vs the
The Irish Republican Apples ?


Nobody ever considers the pineapples

Some interesting fruit stuff in this music video

Something slightly off though, why does the accent sound like Bjork? I’m calling foul on that

Brexit: Sales of milk and cream to EU down 96% and chicken and beef by almost 80%

Oh oh, the Union really is shaky these days. We were meant to leave the European Union not the union with northern Ireland too. They surely will not put this donkey in.charge of the DUP?

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He might actually be pragmatic trade wise because he is a farmer :joy: but he is very backwards on the last century religious views. Donkey is pretty accurate, hopefully some momentum emerges behind one of the more moderate candidates. It would have been Paisley Jr only he got caught offside in some expenses scandals. I’m guessing there is a swing away from the DUP in future elections either way, they really should have backed Mays deal.

Farage returns to the frontlines to attack the EU and Biden.

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Fox news presenter: “First of all I have to say, the Queen absolutely loved Donald Trump”

Me: “Ok I’m done”

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Lol the queen loves everyone even Jimmy Saville.
Are you sure she is not just a bot?

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BBC, Catholic church, pretty interchangeable on that front. Pretty sad, you’d have thought the BBC were better :laughing:

As for the Queen there is an ‘inquiry’ into Meghan markels bullying, meanwhile ahem ahem prince Andrew, cough cough.

Can’t blame the Queen for that though. I still think of her as a lovely old lady with a gold piano. I don’t know if she has ever done anything ‘wrong’?

Prince Andrew is definitely not the king of the north. Does he even get a game of thrones character?

Petyr Baelish?

No thanks to EU meat:

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Great job GB , keep up the British standards. :+1:

Well, mad cow disease was a British invention, so the rest of Europe should be safe enough from prion diseases from now on in…

Wait, does Britain (sorry, should really be specific here and say just England and Wales) still consider themselves part of Europe in general, Brexit notwithstanding, or are they truly a race apart?

We learned from our mistakes about feeding meat to herbivores , they did not. End of.
And let’s not bring race into this, you must be American.

where’s the racism? Americans are not significantly different racially from British.

both countries are massive admixtures of many many races.

anyway, people keep telling me that races don’t exist and are a cultural artifact, so how can i be racist if they don’ exist in the first place?

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‘Race’ is used in different ways- was used in past times to differentiate what we would consider nationalities- the French race, the German race= or ethnic groups-the Scottish race, the Welsh race. In early 20th C. South Africa the 'Racial Question; was the problems between the British and the Boers. In “Rose Aylmer”-
Ah what avails the sceptred race,
Ah what the form divine!

Landor is referring to the British, not Indians or even other Europeans.
Britain as ‘a race apart’ has a long tradition-“the wogs begin at Calais”. The far-right has adopted the English flag-pointedly, not the Union flag-as its symbol.

They don’t exist as biological realities; nobody denies they exist as cultural artifacts. This is just a silly right-wing gotcha- “Hey, anti-racists are the real racists because they pay attention to race hyuck hyuck own the libtards.”

All speculations on the effects of Brexit right now are, because of covid, in the words of Chou En-lai on the French Revolution, “too early to say”.
(Too early to say:

in a conversation with Henry Kissinger about the success of revolutions in France, early 1970s. This has been widely quoted as referring to the French revolution of 1789, but Nixon’s interpreter Chas Freeman and Chinese archives make clear that while questioned about the French revolution and the Paris Commune, Zhou Enlai in reply was clearly referring to the Paris riots of 1968.

But it fit into Western misperceptions about deep, long- term thinking Chinese, as opposed to flighty short-term Westerners. A feature of many Forumosa posts on China.)