
What r you waffling bout now Rowland ?

Next time read before commenting lol.
Make sure to click on the links.

I guess we can’t all be big picture people.

But I’ll give you a hint: South Africa and the UK are not the only two countries in existence.

Ever thought of participating in Mastermind?

Name: Rowland
Specialist subject: Bleeding obvious

Make a point, if you have one. Vague promises you may at some point in time make a point are tedious.

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Why do that though? It’s impossible without another referendum. Even with another referendum the effect on British society could be disastrous

my fucking British passport is now useless.

except for maybe visiting the Ol’ Blighty, but why the fuck would i want to do that?

A few years ago, when i wanted to live in Europe, that would have been grand. Now, not so much. Fuck Boris. Arsehole. Selfish cunt.

pardon the French, but that’s what he brings out in me.


Mandatory alcohol tests in front of the voting booths could eventually have prevented this disaster.
A second referendum is so undemocratic were many people have sobered up now.

My opinion, have a snap election and someone with balls promises a second referendum when he/she wins. Then have a second referendum and end this nightmare.

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There’s no Brexit deal that will please people who hate the UK.

Although May seems to be trying to cater to just that crowd.

Not to contradict the negative points about the CAP that you talk about (because I generally agree with how you put it), But to highlight the importance of its goal of ensuring the scale of food production within the EU: Yes societies can access food on global markets. However this is not necessarily best dictated by supply and demand. Bear in mind that famines, wars etc do happen. Local security of food is a no brainer in any number of possible future scenarios.

Noxious comments like this presumes you know urodacus has a loathing for the UK, I would suggest although urodacus would never admit it, quite the opposite is true.

The great famine in Ireland was largely caused by Free Trade and laissez faire economics. Shipments of food were escorted out of the country under armed guard while the populace starved.

Give it up Rowland you need another vacation.

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Yea, ‘free’ markets have been one of the major agents of famine in history including recent history. Along with totalitarianism, war, and environmental factors

The Big Oops. Accident? Or mistake?

What are you talking about ? You sound like a true authoritarian

Did you mean to say a lack of free trade ?
I thought the fact that greedy English ( mainly ) Lords had handed over management of the Land to middlemen who created smaller and smaller parcels of Land and charged way too much for it , leaving more and more of the best Land for Pasture ( Cattle being the huge Export.) Left the poorer Farmers with the worst Land…potatoes about the only useful crop that would grow …became a staple diet…blight…British Government did not much to help…maybe I do not remember all I learned, but my impression was it was the very fact the Brits controlled the Trade and crops and much of Land , that contributed to the disaster?

It was multiple factors. The penal laws, absentee landlords, land clearances, population growth , blight genocidal tendencies to reduce population of troublesome native Irish (a gift from God described by the then governor).
But a major factor was a strong belief in free trade and not interfering with the market .Only quite late in the famine did the British government buy (very poor quality and limited quantity ) foodstuffs and distribute them in a public works program in some areas. Other groups such as the Quakers did.their bit too. As the government of the day actively protected food shipments out of Ireland it was clear where their priorities lay.

Yup. Prior to the Brexit vote I had said since I live here I wouldn’t vote, and didn’t, although leaned towards leave.

Since then the Governments handling of leave has been so bad, I mean it has been so bad I am wondering if it is deliberately inept and incompetent, to the point I wouldn’t trust May to make a ham sandwich without making a complete mess.

If they get around to another vote, this time I promise I will be signing up and I will be voting stay, because those twats in the EU, can’t possibly compete with the twats we have at home.


My feelings exactly.

I agree we need second referendum. Enough time has passed now

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If there was a second referendum, need a competent remain campaign. Rather than Eddie Izzard and other Europhiles waxing lyrical about how wonderful the EU is, they should be truthful.

Meaning: “the EU is pretty shit, anyone with sense can see that, but throwing the bathwater out with the baby is worse. At least if we are in we can reform it”. Corbyn was the only one who got it right if you ask me, and he was attacked by the remain team for not being an over enthusiastic Europhile.

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