Bring Back Happy Hours?

I’m worried about getting filmed and then judged afterwards.

Ahh. I’d say that’s unlikely. We may launch a miniseries about it, but we’ll give you the right to nix any casting decision

Nah, just blur his face out.

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think he wants his namesake blurred out to not reveal the truth

Cornholing is a North American thing, yeah?

Parts of NA :slight_smile: We have other lawn related pastimes in my area

I think they call it the B-word in the UK.


You know the way to do this is no one discloses their real name and everyone has to guess which dickhead is which? Of course my outrageous Kiwi accent would give me away instantly.

After pretending to be both a CCP sympathizer, and a staunch NI Loyalist, along with various other paper thin identities, all for the lols, I recon I have painted myself into a corner. So I can’t attend

the CCP are great though.

Yep, and bocce

I heard Lawn Darts were pretty big in Jersey.

Forgot about that one! Those things are hazardous :slight_smile: Apparently they were banned in 1988

Can’t you do a fake British or American accent? Or at least Aussie?

I can do a very good Taiwanese-born American…

Never met one, meself

I have met one. There’s a guy who lives near me and is the son of American missionaries. Lived here all his life.

Obvious CIA plant…get with the program, man!