British grocery products

Indeed , I asked a local company to try it , but hmmm.
Perhaps a Heinz shop would be ideal here :hugs: .When do you return ?

I’ve made my own piccalilli. It’s not particularly complicated. The problem is that you (ideally) need mustard powder or English mustard … both of which seem impossible to get here.


I’m sure I’ve seen Coleman’s English mustard powder in Carrefour before.

Ah, OK - I’ll have a look. I’m in the UK at the moment but I have so much other crap to bring back there’s no space for piccalilli (or mustard).

Judas B*stard :joy:

There used to be a Tesco’s in Taipei, it went TU and got ate by Carrefour, IIRC.

City Super at Far Eastern used to keep Colman’s dry mustard.
If you get some, make bloody sure you keep it in the fridge, the stuff I got devolved into a moldy mass of protoplasm before I even opened it.

Colmans mustard is an easy one, if you can’t find it locally iHerb have it, you’ll need to use it fast though or wait for new stock! Plenty of alternatives

I recall some weird deal Tesco struck with Carrefour where they swapped Taiwan for Hong Kong or something bizarre like that to minimise competition. All a bit colonial.

Colman’s mustard is definitely available in Carrefour. However, this varies a lot by store. I bought a jar in the Neihu branch a month or so ago. Unless it’s been dropped since then.

If you’re in the Oxford vicinity I’ll buy you lunch.

I’m not risking piccalilli in my suitcase. Too high a risk if that crap breaks.

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They move stuff around stores until it’s sold somewhere!

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I assumed it would be harder to make than pickled eggs.

I’ve made ‘Belgian pickles’, similar to the piccalilli, only a bit less sweet.

You should buy one of Jamie’s books, it’s probably in there somewhere.

Just bought a jar at Jason’s this morning

I have the recipe and make it myself.

Never tried Belgian pickles . Do they bear any resemblance to piccallili In terms of taste ? You can get sweet and normal piccallili… though not a lot of difference imo.

Piccalilli is a little different in taste, Belgian pickles are more sour. Compared to other European countries all our condiments are more sour.

What kind of British (or Irish , welcome @Brianjones) tea people do we have on Forumosa.? I’d guess more the Earl Grey crowd than Yorkshire tea? Perhaps some Darjeeling in Hampstead or Yorkshire tea for the more salt of the earth types. Or maybe Chav style PG Tips with lots of sugar and too much milk ? What’s your poison ?
There is nothing that cannot be solved over a good cup of tea.

Yorkshire tea pudding!

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