Bush Twists Kerry's Words on Iraq

[quote=“Flipper”]twocs, still waiting for your or traveller to clarify your position:

in regards to the overthrow of Saddam(in other words, the Iraqi war as a whole), did it have a positive, negative, or no impact on the following factors in the us:

health care
civil rights

please list ANY of those that you think were impacted positively by the overthrow of Saddam/war in Iraq.[/quote]

i even made the questions multiple choice for you! :smiley:[/quote]

Look, for example, at security. In some ways security will be improved. On the other hand, in other ways security will be increasingly threatened. It comes down to whether you can accept the bad with the good.

You demand a yes or no as though you don’t see two sides of a coin.

wow. the kerry nuance thing is catching. i’m asking for a net effect. you know, some good, some bad, overall no change. or more good than bad, overall better than before.

come on now, isn’t that hard…

[quote=“Flipper”]wow. the Kerry nuance thing is catching. I’m asking for a net effect. you know, some good, some bad, overall no change. or more good than bad, overall better than before.

come on now, isn’t that hard…[/quote]

Just add up the deaths and you have a hard figure you can work from, is that it?

lol. can’t answer the question, can you? figures. :slight_smile: